QCD Meeting July 1, 2005 Is it due to the hard collision? Is it due to fragmentation? Strong polarization seen in fixed-target experiments where jet NOT observed. Polarization Tom Devlin Rutgers/CDF _
Status and Plans Three known contributions to dataset: -- Signal -- K s Background -- Continuum 2-track background Previous report: -- From data, measured relative fractions of these as functions of momentum and decay distance. Run 1 computer – cdfsga – to be shutdown -- Verified that data written by it are correct -- Ran all data through cdfsga, copied to Rutgers -- Thanks to Glenn Cooper and Mike Stolz. Now working with 100% of data at Rutgers!!! -- Real data look reasonable. -- x20 MC is working to a first approximation.
Reconstruction: p and
Simple cut to elliminate e + e -
For Each Bin in Momentum and L xy Evaluate Fractions of , Ks and
Background Equations
Restrictions on Angular Distribution
Asymmetry Plots for Data and MC: Beam- System
Asymmetry Plots for Data and MC: Beam-Jet System
Asymmetry Plots for Data and MC: Jet- System
Work in Progress and Planned: Mass-constrained fits: 2- , 2-K s, 1-ee. 2. Sum of weights over solutions = 1.0 per event. 3. Use 2 = 2 (MassConstraint) - 2 (NoMassConstraint) 4. Determine relative proportions of , K s and background 5. Modify 2 nd stage analysis code to mix MC samples from , Ks, in correct proportions. 6. Finish all work on cdfsga. 7. Do polarization study in all three coordinate systems. 9. Is polarization analysis believable?