RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on tne six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 1 RENAISSANCE LYON WP Progress and Plans - Year 3 (Oct 07- oct 08) Béatrice COUTURIER Job title, Greater Lyon
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on tne six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 2 WP 1: Research, Technical and Innovation Development
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on tne six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 3 WP 1.1: Energy policy, planning, research Summary of the work programme planned for the period October 2007/March 2008 State of progress -Experience feedback on the implementation of the tertiary data repository for certain office projects -Generalization of the office environmental management guide to all the urban projects led by Greater Lyon -Application as of 01/01/2009, of the conditional grant principle (reduction if environmental management instructions are not respected) - Investigation of action plan about existing housing based on the experience of Saragossa partners. Completed Waiting for new executive to be designated System approved in October 2007 Launched with members of the Lyon consortium State of progress year 3: 6 first months
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on tne six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 4 Analysis of progress Strong / weak points: Very positive experience feedback on office data repository Few modifications need to be made to the document The data repository will be approved very shortly Action plan on existing housing launched -Experimental site validated -Partners identified -Definition of the level of requirement -Exchange of experiences with co-owner associations in France How to exploit collaboration / networking opportunities - Examine to what extent the approach used in Valdesparterra can be replicated in the French context WP 1.1: Energy policy, planning, research
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on tne six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 5 Plans for the next 6 months Concerning the office data repository: Very widespread communication to the developers and builders concerned (2 nd and 3 rd quarters 2008) Concerning rehabilitation of existing housing: Finding innovative tax and financial solutions (2 nd and 3 rd quarters 2008) Developing a programme of work to be carried out on a test sample of apartment blocks (2 nd and 3 rd quarters 2008) Exchanges with the Saragossa partners on legal and financial arrangements that could be duplicated in Lyon. WP 1.1: Energy policy, planning, research
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on tne six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 6 State of progress year first months: Finalisation of the SRC study: to assess its feasibility within the local surrounding Launch of a technical and legal analysis on contracts to manage (maintenance) wood-boilers while reaching high energy performance WP 1.3 Wood-fuel supply chains assessment and organisation
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on tne six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 7 Analysis of progress End of the SCR study (with economical and technical indicators): presented to the different actors from the wood resource and agriculture fields (who are not yet mobilised) Technical and legal work on contracts: not finished yet (1st part about models of contracts done: but new research still needed, depending on developers’ needs : not known yet) WP 1.3 Wood-fuel supply chains assessment and organisation
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on tne six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 8 Plans for the next 6 months - end of year 3: New items to be clarified between developers and consultants Consulting studies to be done, proposal and synthesis: to be followed (end of 2008) WP 1.3 Wood-fuel supply chains assessment and organisation
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on tne six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 9 WP 1.5: socio-economical aspects State of progress year first months: Election of the Concerto+ indicators: in concert with the different local partners Preparation of the action plan for inhabitants : basis of the questionnaires : election of the items 3 steps: “I buy my house” / “I prepare my arrival” / “I live in my house” methodology: indicators, persons to contact… timing of the project Concert’action program: In abeyance since the refusal of financial in 2007
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on tne six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 10 Analysis of progress: Plan for inhabitants: Meeting with the Greater Lyon, developers, ALE, Hespul: agreement on the 3 steps of the action plan 2nd step: “I prepare my arrival”: « livret d'accompagnement » : to be realised in concert with SEM, developers and Greater Lyon Lack of concerted methodology between European Concerto partners (to make a comparison possible) WP 1.5: socio-economical aspects
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on tne six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 11 Plans for the next 6 months - end of year 3: Questionnaires for the 1st step: “I buy my house”: to find a date to realise them to write the items more specifically to define the investigators to see the possibility of being helped by sociologists To survey the realisation of the booklet accompanying in concert: Different levels of information: Presentation of the whole project of the Confluence area (SEM) Presentation of the building (developers) Presentation of the Concerto program (Greater Lyon/ALE) WP 1.5: socio-economical aspects
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on tne six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 12 Plans for the next 6 months - end of year 3: To exchange with the others European Concerto partners about their methodology Concert’action program: waiting for the nomination of the new head of the PUCA. Training sessions in WP 5 WP 1.5: socio-economical aspects
RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on tne six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 13 Conclusions Malorie Clermont Tel: Contact ENERTECH