g RotoBreak Cassette Assembly Station Optimization By Randy Greenberg SMA Due Date: 12/14/99
g RotoBreak Objectives: Produce 1000 cassette assemblies per week for each of 3 worldwide locations Use common processes and procedures for interchangeability 40 hour work week 75% location utilization
g RotoBreak Measure of success: 1000 units per week Maintain 40 hour shift 75% location utilization
g RotoBreak Schedule: Data collection 11/01/99 Working model with recommendations 12/7/99 Validation of model 2/15/00 Revision to model 3/15/00
g RotoBreak Product description: Cassette module used in circuit breaker to make and break the circuit Key components are: 1.Cassette housing 2.Rotor 3.Contact arm 4.contacts 5.Straps 6.Springs 7.Pins 8.Arc chute 9.Ablative material 10.Links
g RotoBreak Simulation layout Work area breakdown Welding Line and load strap T(59,63,72) Contact arm welder T(95,110,130) Staking Second link to contact arm T(40,50,61) Molding Cassette Deflasher T(310,345,400) Arc chute assembly Arc chute T(57,64,75) Assembly Rotor assy T(65,71,82) Strap to cassette T(67,71,90) Arc chute insulation and rotor to cassette T(95,105,110)
g RotoBreak Initial Layout
g RotoBreak Results-first run 383 units output Run for 37.5 hours deflash bottleneck Double number of deflash stations
g RotoBreak Initial run output
g RotoBreak Results-First modification 766 units output Deflash still bottleneck Add third station
g RotoBreak First modification run
g RotoBreak Results-Second modification Output 1000 units Strap to cassette utilization only 65% Combine ablative material with strap to cassette location Transfer 20 seconds to this station
g RotoBreak Second Modification output
g RotoBreak Final results Utilization greater than 75% combine rotor and second link to contact arm staker
g RotoBreak Final Results
g RotoBreak Conclusion Capable of meeting goal of 1000 units per week Need to add two additional deflash stations Combine rotor and second link to contact arm staker operations