Developing positive teacher pupil relationships in the current Chinese educational reform — The potential contribution of Circle Time Ling Wu University of Warwick
Introduction — Questions to be answered Why is the research needed? What is the research? How should this research be conducted?
Why is the research needed? Historical background Current issues in the Chinese education system – quality education Finding a way forward
Why research is needed? — Historical background Traditional Chinese culture values centralization rather than individualism, personality is under developed Long history of examination-oriented education put learning burden on students. Economics reform and opening-up bring changes to Chinese culture One Child policy and economic development change the family and personal values
Why is the research needed? — Current issues in Chinese Education Increasing learning burden Pressures on teachers Tense teacher-pupil relationships Emotional problems of pupils and suicide rate Current reform – Su Zhi Jiao Yu (Quality Education) cannot change examination- oriented education
Why is the research needed? — Finding a way forward 1. Teacher pupil relationship is one of the important factors, which influences pupils ’ personal and social development 2. Identifying an approach, which is both effective and practical in the current situation.
What is this research? Circle Time Circle Time is a group process. It involves the whole class, including the teacher, meeting in a circle at least once a week to look at issues relating to personal, social, moral and health education. – June Mosley Circle Time brings together teacher and children in an enjoyable atmosphere of cooperation. - Bliss & Tetley One of the positive outcomes of Circle Time is to assist pupils to “express and manage their feelings”. – Peter Lang
What is this research? — My understanding of Circle Time The setting of Circle Time Teachers and pupils sit at the same level in a circle The meaning of Circle Time Teachers and pupils are equal, pupils are equal The interaction in the Circle respect, listen to, share with each other, create a friendly climate between teachers and pupils. The development of pupils in the Circle Pupils will be confident to express themselves in the group, to share with the others, to support the others and to take responsibility. to prepare their future life in the society.
What is the research ? — A experimental study about teacher pupil relationship and children ’ s personal social development in a Chinese secondary school Research question Can Circle Time work in a Chinese secondary school? Can Circle Time help to develop positive teacher pupil relationship in a Chinese school? Can Circle Time helps to develop pupils ’ personal and interpersonal skills?
How should this research be conducted? Section One – Circle Time in UK Participate in Circle Time in an English school Section Two – Circle Time in China Experimental study in a Chinese school
How to conduct this research? An experimental design combines with aspects of action research Quasi-experimental design – choose four classes of pupils, two in year 7 and two in year 8 in the Chinese school. Pre-test and post-test will be given to students to evaluate pupils self-esteem and interpersonal skills Observation will be used to monitor the process. Questionnaires will be used to analyse pupils’ perception of Circle Time Interviews will be employed to investigate questions in depth
How should this research be conducted? Methods to collect data Observation Questionnaires Interviews
Conclusion Going to the field …… What is going to happen? ? ?
Ethical issues Get permission in advance Discuss and negotiate during the process To be objective and to describe Reduce bias – my anxiety and tendency of the research The influence of the researcher Concern about the attitudes, opinions and expectations of the researcher
Validity and reliability Multiple methods to be used in collecting data. Time triangulation in this research to demonstrate validity Action research involve teachers in the school and can be seen as investigator triangulation Choose appropriate methods and use in appropriate way.