Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis March 11, 2011 Columbia, Missouri Bill Elder Missouri Rural Convening Missouri Rural Development Partners “The State of Rural Missouri”
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Overview Very Few Words about OSEDA Demographics of Rural Missouri –Changing meanings of “rural” –Diversity (demographics, economics, culture) –Aging –Connectedness Better “re-benchmarked” data coming
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis DataData InformationInformation KnowledgeKnowledge WisdomWisdom “The construction of knowledge involves more the orderly loss of information than it’s meaningless accumulation.” -- Kenneth Boulding OSEDA… OSEDA collaborates with partners in the analysis of social and economic data in ways that contribute to improvements in the well-being of people, enterprises and communities.
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Aligning indicators to questions To know you have asked the “right” questions and produced “useful” answers….focus on decision makers and decision-making. Michael Quinn Patton Discussion … Collaboration
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Aligning indicators to questions To know you have asked the “right” questions and produced “useful” answers….focus on decision makers and decision-making. Michael Quinn Patton Discussion … Collaboration “New Media…” We are just beginning…
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Aligning indicators to questions To know you have asked the “right” questions and produced “useful” answers….focus on decision makers and decision-making. Michael Quinn Patton Discussion … Collaboration “New Media…” We are just beginning… “..No one of us is as good as all of us…” Dave Steckel
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis New Census information … World: 6,892,893,953 U.S.: 311,874,651 (9.7%) Missouri: 5,988,927 (7.0%) 2010 Population Count & Percent Change from 2000 Check out new Census tools at and OSEDA and…. Elsewhere…
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis New Census information … Complete Count Data American Community Survey (ACS) “Period Estimates by Size” Just Google “Census” or “OSEDA” for More information
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis About to Lose the Missouri Ninth…
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Rapid growth and large states Five states account for 17% of U.S. Growth Six states account for 54% of U.S. Growth not just fast but.. Big 37 M 25 M 18.8 M
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Diverse Trends: Regions within Regions More Regions of growth near regions of decline
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis
“Urban” and “Rural” Connections
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Dots make patterns more apparent
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis
Missouri Core Based Statistical Areas
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis AREACounties2010 CountPct StateChange Pct Change Metro34 4,375, % 305,5487.5% Non-Metro81 1,613, % 88,1685.8% Micro24 803, % 64,7018.8% Non-Mirco57 809, % 23,4673.0% Missouri115 5,988, % 393,7167.0% 2010 Missouri “Metro” and “non-Metro” Source: U.S. Census, 2010 Census “Public Law 94 File”
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis AREACounties2010 CountPct StateChange Pct Change Over 100 K10 3,450, % 190,5655.8% 20 to 100 K45 1,858, % 194, % Under 20 K60 679, % 9,0841.4% 115 5,988, % 393,7167.0% 2010 Missouri Population by County Size Source: U.S. Census, 2010 Census “Public Law 94 File”
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis
Speaking English Less than “Very Well” In 2009, the ACS estimated that over 24.5 million persons in the U.S. speak English less than “very well” % of U.S. population over 5 years old. The corresponding number in Missouri was 118,793 or 2.1%. The Missouri five year ACS period estimates reflect a distribution of this population among service centers and certain agricultural industries.
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Male Female Male Female Population Pyramids of Missouri Percent of Total Population New Pyramids in March
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis
Quality of Life
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Percent Population Over 65
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Aging in Place in the North Percent 85+
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis
Quality of Life --- Children
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Married-Couple Families In 2009, married-couple families comprised less than 50% of Missouri households. (Missouri, US Census, 2009 American Community Survey) County Estimates from 5-Year ACS Data.
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Married Couple Families with Children Missouri married couple families with children declined to 19.4% of households in nearly 29,000 fewer than in 2006 (ACS, 2009) County Estimates from 5-Year ACS Data.
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Commuting…. Percent of Working Outside County of Residence, ACS County Estimates from 5-Year ACS Data.
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Household Income Missouri median household income increase by 5.3% between 2006 and 2009 from $42,841 to $45,229. Meanwhile, U.S. Median household income rose 3.5% from $48,451 to $50,221. Not surprisingly, the five year ACS period estimates show higher incomes associated with urban areas and major transportation routes.
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Challenging Times….
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Challenging Times... Regional Differences
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis High School Completers The 2009 ACS reported that 1.3 million Missourians 25 and older had a high school education (32.0%). The corresponding U.S. number is 57.6 million (28.5%). The ACS five year estimates show relatively lower rates of high school completion in south central Missouri and the “Bootheel.” Regions also associated lower income levels and higher poverty rates.
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis Bachelor’s Degrees The 2009 ACS reported that nearly a million Missourians 25 and older had completed a bachelor’s degree (25.2%). That is up from 17.8% in 1990 and 21.6% in The corresponding U.S. number of persons with a bachelor’s degree in 2009 was 53.3 million (27.9%). Five-Year period ACS Estimates Shows Missourians with higher education are centered in regional trade and service centers
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis From the “Employer” Report: Returns to Associate Degrees
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis From the “Employer” Report: Returns to Bachelor Degrees
Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis March 11, 2011 Columbia, Missouri Bill Elder Missouri Rural Convening Missouri Rural Development Partners “The State of Rural Missouri”