S. UC Irvine August U.S. LArTPC Detector Activities Scott Menary The International Scoping Study Meeting of Neutrino Factory and Super-beam Facility August 21-23, UC Irvine
S. UC Irvine August Conclusions (from RAL Meeting) The infrastructure needed to build prototype Liquid Argon TPC’s and to examine issues associated with constructing large (10’s of ktons) LArTPC’s now exists at some non-trivial level in the U.S. There has been progress made in design of interior of the tank, in particular the wire planes. There is movement toward forming an international collaboration. We had a joint meeting at Yale University July with some ICARUS people to explore areas of collaboration.
S. UC Irvine August Proposed NuMI LArTPC R&D Path or maybe 50 kton Fermilab, Michigan State, Princeton, Tufts, UCLA, Yale, York (Canada) from our * submission to NuSAG (Fermilab FN-0776-E)
S. UC Irvine August Sensitivity of LArTPC on Surface at MINOS Location MINOS plus 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12 kt LArTPC
S. UC Irvine August P(nu_mu->nu_e) at 810 km Set sin^2(2theta_13) = 0.04 and Cycle delta_CP from 0 to 360 deg If using a narrowband beam you almost need to know delta_CP beforehand - Wideband beam is better
S. UC Irvine August Can We Observe both the First and Second Maxima with the NuMI Off-axis Beam? Oscillation Probability Overlayed on Nu Spectra From 8 to 26 mrad Off-axis of NuMI Medium Energy Beam Here the answer is clearly NO.
S. UC Irvine August Same Conclusion for the Low Energy Off-axis Beam
S. UC Irvine August Finally, What about at 990 km From Fermilab (Furthest Canadian Site)? Here, 20 mrad is the minimum off-axis angle allowed (since central axis of the beam is some 16 km above the surface at this point).
S. UC Irvine August Conclusions To observe both the first and second maximum in the same detector requires a wideband beam and, of course, a detector like the LArTPC that can differentiate between photons and electrons. Even precision studies a the first maximum need a beam broad enough to account for the variation due to delta_CP.