(c) Anat Rafaeli Anat Rafaeli Technion ISRAEL A Psychologist Looks at Service and Waiting
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Queue design and management evokes customer and employee reactions ! Please wait. I am temporarily out of motivation.
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Multiple ways to design a wait
(c) Anat Rafaeli - 4
6 Design and time in queue expectations : Design and time in queue expectations : How long do you expect to wait in different structure queues? F(1)= p= Average Wait Expected Numbers – 39 minutes Single – 29 minutes Multiple – 19 minutes
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Design and preferences: In which queue would you rather wait? 2 (2)= p= N=101 Queue Preferation 56.6% 15.1% 23.6% 4.7% Numbered Queue Single Queue Multiple Queue Missing
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Queue Paradox People PREFER queues in which they expect a LONGER wait Difficulties and Constraints of Intervening factors in regular real life queue A New Paradigm
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Research Paradigm Laboratory yet real wait conditions. Experimental manipulation of queue design. Full control of all wait aspects. Measurement before, during and after wait.
(c) Anat Rafaeli -
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Progress in queue by clicking on icon
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Real Time Measurement: Anytime before, during and after wait
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Queues and Pleasantness Satisfaction improves with progress in queue equally in all designs. Did you call for service?
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Satisfaction Improves with Activity Positive AttitudesActivity in Queue F Mean **9.386* 2.93 Activity related to wait 2.82 Activity not related to wait 2.05 No activity
(c) Anat Rafaeli - People Notice Fairness ! Multiple Queues with F-I-F-O violations more reported unfairness than Multiple Queues with no violations
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Multiple Queue design with no FIFO violations is theoretically identical to a Single Queue
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Symbolic Fairness Effects Multiple Queues with NO FAIRNESS violations MORE REPORTED UNFAIRNESS than Single Queues To what extent do you feel Irritated? To a great extent To a little extent Service stations Please answer the question
(c) Anat Rafaeli Fairness Violations in Queues Where? Who? When? Why?
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Interruptions far away from me? No effect on irritation F (1) = n.s.
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Interruption close to me? Queue is NOT fair!! Interruption far away Interruption Close By F (1) = p<0.01 F (1) = n.s.
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Institutionalized Fairness Violations: VIP Multiple Queue
(c) Anat Rafaeli - VIP Queues and Fairness Reported fairness significantly lower with VIP Queue than with Multiple Queue Mean VIP-Queue=2.7 Mean Multiple Queue=3.44 t (36 ) = 2.51, p<.05).
(c) Anat Rafaeli - VIP Offer Fairness Effects After offer to pay for VIP service REPORTED FAIRNESS INCREASES although FIFO perceptions drop Before VIP Offer After VIP Offer Fair- ness P<.01 FIFO?4.13.0P<.01
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Telephone Waiting: Anat Rafaeli and Nira Munichor Telephone waiting is an annoyance that can be reduced psychologically Music ? Apologies ? Queue information ? Service activities ?
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Results Abandonment rate: Waiting evaluation: Hypothesis 1: There will be differences between reactions to different phone waiting time filler types χ² (3)= , p<.01, Phi=.27 F (3,63)=5.525, p<.005, η²=.21
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Phi=.21P=.071χ² (1) = 3.26 %AbandonedN 69.4%36Music 48.6%37Activities Phi=.335p<.005χ² (1) = Abandoned%N 69.4%36Music 35.9%39Information Hypothesis 2: Service-related-activities will produce more positive reactions than apology messages or music alone Hypothesis 3 : Queueing-information will produce more positive reactions than activities, apology messages or music alone Phi=.13n.sχ² (1) = %37Activities 35.9%39Information
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Self Report: Waiting Evaluation P<.001Tukey’s HSD= SDMeanN Apology Information (No significant differences between other conditions )
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Time Fillers while Waiting Sense of Progress: Queue Info Activities while Waiting No Sense of Progress : Music Apologies Progress Toward Goal Improves Reactions
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Monitoring and Employee Performance Anat Rafaeli Caroline Zeira Idit Avivi Hadass Admon
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Perceived Fairness Quality Evaluation Emotional State Intent to Leave H1 H3 H2 Quality Evaluations perceived as More Fair and Produce Less Burnout Anat Rafaeli Idit Avivi √√√
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Time Monitoring Hampers Performance Task Difficulty ANOVA ***F(1,119)= Time Monitoring ANOVA ***F(1,119)=16.9 Anat Rafaeli Caroline Zeira
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Background >> hypothesis >> method Independent Variable: Open Monitoring? Anat Rafaeli Hadass Admon
(c) Anat Rafaeli Employee Initiative in Telephone Service Anat Rafaeli Lital Ziklik Lorna Doucet
(c) Anat Rafaeli - “Quality of Service”? The concept remains elusive because service is Inseparable (production - delivery AND employee – customer) Problem of customer expectations and behaviors !!
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Critical factor is exceeding expectations. Delight, Excite, Surprise or otherwise Amaze (Schneider and Bowen, 1999; Ziethaml and Bitner, 1996; ).
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Multiple Ways to Surprise
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Some may be Problematic
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Research Context Calls to a retail bank (n=142) One call per employee and customer. Data sources: –Verbatim transcripts of calls –Quality Control Data –Telephone survey data (one day after)
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Context Typical call involves … –account balance inquiries –account transaction inquiries –general product information inquiries –checkbook ordering –change of address requests. Calls last approximately 2 minutes (average 2.35 minutes; range of < minutes) Calls involve average of 1597 characters (range of 268 – 5277)
(c) Anat Rafaeli - “Going the Extra Mile” in Call Center Interactions
(c) Anat Rafaeli - No. of different categories per call N = 66 Calls Types of Initiatives Per Call
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Evidence of Different Categories
(c) Anat Rafaeli - No. of Initiatives Per Call
(c) Anat Rafaeli - Proportion of “Extra Mile” in Complete Call (by character count)
(c) Anat Rafaeli - “ Please stay on the line. All of our customer service representatives are kidding around and throwing paper airplanes at each other. ” Effects of “Extra Mile” on Customer Satisfaction? On QA?
(c) Anat Rafaeli - The End