Learning Grammar From Songs Jenny Daisy Amber Grace Stephen Rica Julia
The Cascades is from San Diego including Art Eastlick playing bass, Dave Wilson on drums, Len Green on guitar, David Szabo on keyboards. John Gummoe on vocals. John Gummoe, a chief of the Cascades, who is good at composing music, composes “ Rhythm of the rain ” wins the third on the billboard in 1963.
Listening To The Song
Rhythm of the rain Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain Telling me just what a fool I've been I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain And let me be alone again The only girl I care about has gone away Looking for a brand new start But little does she know that when she left that day Along with her she took my heart Rain please tell me now does that seem fair For her to steal my heart away when she don't care I can't love another when my heart's somewhere far away Rain won't you tell her that I love her so Please ask the sun to set her heart a glow Rain in her heart and let the love with you start to grow
※ Adjective Clause S + V + Antecedent + Relative Pronoun + Predicate ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ main sentence subordinating sentence EX : She is a woman who is respected by everyone. ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ Antecedent connecting word
※ Subjunctive Mood I. Fact contrary to the present If + S + Ved, S + should / would / might / could EX : If he came, I would tell him the decision.
II. Fact contrary to the past fact If + S +had Ved …, S + should / would / might / could EX : If he had caught the taxi, he would have caught the train.
E-Factor : Efficiency = economy, ease, efficacy A-Factor : Appropriacy
conclusion Teaching grammar by using songs can make students learn quickly and remember easily. When students listen to the song (Input), they can remember the melody at the first. That can attract students’ interests to learn English and improve their listening at the same time. The teacher teaches the wards and sentences of the song making students understand the grammar. And then students sing the song (Output) to make them remember the grammar easily, and it also can improve their pronunciation. This way of teaching grammar by songs fits any age of the learners. It’s good to learners have examples from songs to know how to use grammar.