Ministry of Fisheries Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Linking capacity to opportunity Michael Arbuckle National Manager, Fisheries Management
Outline FM opportunities in the NZ environment Review organisational responses to policy reforms / strategic initiatives Identifying Ministry capacity gaps The role and realignment of the Fisheries Management group Stakeholder opportunities and capacity gaps
Legislative scene 1986QMS introduced 1990Proportional quota (also RMA) 1992Deed of Settlement 1994Cost recovery 1996New Fish Act (staged introduction) 1999Fish Management Plans 2001Devolvement of certain services
Institutional responses 1995Mfish established Research contracted 1996Changing Course 2010 Ecosystem based management Collaboration not direction Five year Strategic Plan next step
Five Year Strategic Plan Stategic Plan goals: To take leadership in developing an understanding shared by all fisheries stakeholders on the means to achieve “sustainable fisheries in a healthy aquatic ecosystem” To develop a framework and manage processes that ensure the Crown delivers on its Article 2 (of the Treaty of Waitangi) obligations to Maori with respect to fisheries To develop a framework and manage processes that enable the efficient use of fisheries resources, including reducing business compliance costs in the fishing sector Under review
Institutional responses (cont.) Organisational re-design 1996 Act a driver for change Ecosystem based approach Input and participation of Maori Consistent interpretation with international oblig. Tools for better stakeholder particip. Provides for utilisation More enabling Forces “outcome / objective” focus
Institutional responses (cont.) Organisational re-design identified that Ministry would need to: Change its approach to fish management Aquire new information Gain new skills Develop working relationships with Maori Integrate processes Develop new systems Educate and train Ministry staff
Institutional responses (cont.) Functional units Fisheries Management Compliance Manager International and Biosecurity Policy and Treaty Strategy Service Delivery Science Information Management Legal Strategic Human Resources Corporate Services
Mfish Business Plan $ million by cost driver Personnel23.9 Operating39.2 Depreciation 2.8 Other 0.2 $ by seven Output Classes Policy6.1 Fish. Inf.21.0 Reg. man,. 7.4 Fish access 8.4 Enforcement 18.4 Prosecution 3.0 Biosecurity 2.5
Institutional responses (cont.) Fisheries plans Strategic planning principles Set management direction Opportunity for planning and delivery integration Fisheries plans framework Empowering Stakeholder role Proponents (fisheries plan developers) Negotiators Provide advice to Minister Implement
Institutional responses (cont.) Fisheries plan framework Ministry role Plan technical advisors Input and participation of Maori and consultation with other sectors Plan evaluators – suggest amendments / provide advice to Minister for approval Implementing regulatory decisions (if any) Monitoring and revocation of plans Ministry roles potentially conflict
Mfish initiatives Skills gaps analysis Lacks leadership Working with Maori Lacks analytical skills fish plan evaluators CBA / Risk analysis Lacks facilitators / technical advisors (fish plans) Realigning / recruiting / training FM management and staff
Fisheries management group What is its role? Implements the Government and Ministry’s strategies, plans, policies & legal obligations Delivers Fisheries Management by providing technical advice on plan development (not internally planned), determining FM input requirements (research, monitoring and compliance), making FM regulatory decisions, and evaluating and monitoring FM strategies and plans Contributes to the Policy Framework development
Functions of the FM business Management support to FM group & MFish Fisheries Management FM Project management FM Standards FM Delivery
Management Support Corporate / operational planning priority setting resource allocation / task allocation Budgeting / financial management / reporting Cost recovery Business performance reporting (monthly) Staff management Recruitment Training Staff performance management and review Health and Safety Public relations / relationship management
FM Projects Management Team Establishes and monitors critical FM projects (intra & inter organisational processes) Manages large strategic projects Introduction of species into the QMS Trains Fisheries Managements staff to use project management methodologies
FM Standards Team Sets and monitors standards for Fisheries Plans and sustainability and utilisation advice Evaluates Fisheries Plan proposals against standards Undertakes risk analysis and sets FM priorities (research, regulation, compliance) Coordinates national regulatory processes
FM Delivery Six teams (3-7 staff) managed by operations manager Team leaders are Senior Fisheries Management Advisors Responsible for providing advice to stakeholders (primarily the Minister) on the management of fisheries Administration 10% Team management 20% Technical advice to stakeholders (including Minister) 40-50% Relationship management 20-30%
Industry scene Pre 1997 Fishing Industry Board Fishing industry Association Federation of Commercial Fishermen 1997 Seafood Industry Council established Agency agreement with FIB Agreement to disband FIA & FED Shareholding by stakeholder groups Stakeholder groups are future fisheries management structures
Industry FM opportunity Post 1997 CFS established as SeaFiC subsidiary Registry services outsourced by contract CFS taken over by SeaFIC (Y2K) SeaFIC ASDO approved 2001 Registries devolved 2001 (October) FIB levies to be discontinued Commodity levy ballot being progressed “the opportunity to share responsibility for fisheries management has provided an incentive for the industry to structure itself into Commercial Stakeholder Organisations” Economic Review
Industry FM capacity Stakeholder organisations established Hoki / Squid Co Orange Roughy / Oreo Management Co Various inshore companies shellfish finfish Paua Co RLIC Mussel Industry Council Limited skills / resources available Possible rationalisation?
Industry capacity Skills evaluation Preliminary list 1997/8 Initial unit standards developed but not progressed Demonstrate knowledge of investment analysis Demonstrate knowledge of the basic economic model of renewable resources Demonstrate knowledge of the economics of the fishing firm Demonstrate knowledge of NZ fisheries processes Training at AMC by TOKM International skills workshop Dec 2001 Fisheries plans framework Rekindling industry interest Gaps analysis needed?