The Caltech Alumni Fund September 11, 2004 FY
The Caltech Alumni Fund ALUMNI FUND FY GOALS $2.78 Million in “current use” funds (includes alumni Trustees) 6,190 alumni donors 34.7% Participation
The Caltech Alumni Fund 3 ALUMNI FUND FY Projected Year-end Results $2.78 Million in “current use” funds (includes alumni Trustees) 5,357 alumni donors 30.0% Participation
The Caltech Alumni Fund YEAR-TO-DATE STATISTICS 10/01/03 THROUGH 09/10/04 Dollars Raised: $2,358,922 (excludes Associates) Participation: 28.2% Donors:4,817 Alums Alumni Associates/Trustees 5,036 TOTAL Note: Dollar totals do not include Associate gifts, which are reported by the Associates (current total to date is $2.36MM). Note 2: Totals for this report are calculated based on the date the gift is actually made and not the date the gift is processed by Gift Administration.
The Caltech Alumni Fund 5 FY03-04 and FY02-03 Fourth Quarter Comparisons Donors: +22.4% over last year 94.0% of FY03-04 revised goal Dollars*: +60.0% over last year 84.6% of FY03-04 revised goal Note*: YTD02-03 Trustee current operation gifts were not officially counted in Alumni Fund figures until the end of September Thus, these statistics will not be included in the fiscal dollar comparison until the fourth quarter report.
The Caltech Alumni Fund 6 Alumni Totals by Degree Type Q1-4 ‘03-04 Q1-4 ’02-03 Change Undergrad Degree Holders Undergrad Donors: 3,016 2, % Undergrad Dollars : $661,725 $870, % Undergrad Participation: 32.2 % 27.6% Graduate Degree Holders Grad Donors: 1,801 1, % Grad Dollars : $619,196 $603, % Graduate Participation: 21.2% 18.0% Notes: Alumni Associates/ Trustees are not included in any figures above. FY02-03 There are two large current use gifts ($161,920 and $80,960) reported in the Undergrad dollars that distort the dollar comparison FY02-03 with FY03-04; Removing these gifts, changes the FY02-03 /FY03-04 dollar comparison to +12.2%. Grad dollars include two large current use gifts ($269,000 and $50,000) to E&AS. FY03-04 Grad dollars include one large current use gift ($155,540) to E&AS.
The Caltech Alumni Fund Planning
The Caltech Alumni Fund 8 Organizational Chart Iyoni Rice Director Leadership Giving David Shannon Associate Director Reunion Giving, International Program Alex Chacon Assistant Director Young Alumni and Recent Recipients, Student Phone Program, Student Initiatives Program Assistant Director (vacant) Parents Programs and Friends Giving Cynthia Estrada Administrative Assistant Marketing, Communications and Stewardship Amanda Haylock Sr. Administrative Secretary Alumni Volunteer Contact Effort
The Caltech Alumni Fund 9 FY Objectives and Goals Raise nearly $3MM in current use dollars, 34% overall participation (42% undergraduate and 27% graduate) Increase number of volunteers from 200 to 250 and increase personal contact with all volunteers, especially reunion volunteers to develop better relationships and reduce turnover Develop a leadership giving program and manage a portfolio of leadership donors/prospects for personal solicitation Use segmentation in all mailings and alumni/student phoning efforts and customize calling scripts accordingly Recruit Parent volunteers and launch a comprehensive Parent fundraising program
The Caltech Alumni Fund 10 FY Objectives and Goals Collaborations -Office of Principal and Major Gifts -Office Gift and Estate Planning -The Associates -Alumni Association In addition to developing the Fundraising Business Plan, develop a Marketing and Communications and Program Stewardship Plan -Develop new advisory committees of CAFAC members to assist with developing plans -Integrate current figures, testimonials, news from Student Affairs and the Academic Divisions in all communications -Newsletters ( /online) -Honor Rolls -Brochure -Website -Events (Alumni Fund Conference, Executive Forum) -Gift acknowledgement letters & appreciation calls
The Caltech Alumni Fund 11 Questions