Finance Club Updates Ross School of Business Finance Club University of Michigan October 2, 2005
2 Agenda Wall Street Forum Update Wall Street Forum Preliminary Schedule Wall Street Prep – Financial Modeling Seminar Recent Feedback
3 Wall Street Forum Update Busiest and best line-up in years Everyone encouraged to attend If you are remotely interested in a financial services career (NY or elsewhere) you NEED to attend for your own personal/career/network development
4 Wall Street Forum Update Details: Monday October 24 th 8:00 AM to Wednesday October 26 th 5:30 PM Applications available online tonight and due Sunday October 9 th by 6:00 PM. Please place copy in Ted Omlid’s folder Arrive in NY Sunday afternoon or evening –UBS optional Informationals on Sunday evening (10/23) Depart late Wednesday (after 7:30 PM) evening or Thursday? –Informational interviews on Thursday? Hotel TBD this week Bus transportation from Hotel and to and from all activities
5 Wall Street Forum Update Details (cont): Formal dress – get your suits ready and shoes shined – Plan dry-cleaning accordingly If you are not at the hotel and taking designated transportation, you must arrive 30 minutes prior to scheduled event Security is tight and everyone must be checked in, which takes time If you are late for any event – you will not be allowed to enter
6 Wall Street Forum Schedule Sunday UBS IB Informationals (evening) Monday S&T, PWM Breakouts at Morgan Stanley and JPM, respectively UBS (All functions) JPMorgan (All functions) Tuesday Goldman Sachs (All functions) Lehman Brothers (All functions) Citigroup (All functions) Bear Stearns (All functions) Dean’s Reception at Waldorf Astoria (6:00 – 8:30 PM)
7 Wall Street Forum Schedule Wednesday Goldman Sachs PWM Breakout S&T Breakout – UBS Trading Floor/Lehman Brothers trading simulation Wachovia Securities (IB, maybe others) Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin (IB) Bank of America Securities (IB, maybe others) GM Treasury Various Corporate Finance, TBD Thursday Potential informational interviews (last year: UBS, Lehman, others??)
8 Financial Modeling Seminar All members STRONGLY encouraged to attend Investment Banking Equity Research Corporate Finance Saturday December 3 rd and Sunday December 4 th (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM) Registration is First Come, First Served for MBA1s and MBA2s. Depending on demand, this will be opened up to Investment Association and Consulting Club Cost is $ (includes lunch both days) Registration and details available at: Cost covers 16 hours of computer training and course materials and online access to financial models for 3- months after class
9 Financial Modeling Seminar Training topics: Excel best practices Excel shortcuts (START NOW!) Building financial projection models Creating circular/flowing models Valuation methodologies explained using Excel Linking financial projection model to discounted cash flow analysis Creating leveraged buyout (LBO) models This will help you immensely for interview prep and your summer job and can be a bullet on your resume Keep pace with other top schools and ensure every student is well-prepared for their summer experience
10 Recent feedback Not isolated and not unique to Finance Club Several negative comments Mobbing recruiters Lingering around recruiters Redundant questions from presentation Students unprepared to talk intelligently about bank Respect for normal social etiquette Poor communication skills from international students This reflects poorly on EVERYONE, including alumni. This is our Brand and we all have to PROTECT it!
11 Action Items Treat each presentation as a class – spend time preparing for each presentation! Have 2-3 strong questions – listen and identify strong questions from your peers to build up your “question bank” DO NOT MOB recruiters! Form circles of 2-4, everyone else wait patiently behind Ask no more than 2-3 questions or spend more than 5-8 minutes with any one recruiter Do not repeat questions from the presentation Respect the intended audience and your peers! You have a very strong class – everyone needs to step- up and show recruiters the talent at Michigan
12 Action Items Form study groups and devise good questions and talk about banks Utilize OCD and your peers Remember “Luck favors the well-prepared” There is no substitution for preparation during this process International Students Work on English by forming study groups with peers Consider additional language courses Practice asking questions “It doesn’t matter how smart you are, we have found people that do not communicate well both verbally and in writing, do not do well here” IB Recruiter