Remedial Tutorials Week 1 Introduction
What is the name of this room?
We are using ResponseWare so you can give immediate feedback on what you understand but please feel free to shout out as well!
Are you more comfortable with… 1.Python 2.Java
How do well do you understand functions/methods? 1.What is a function/method? 2.I think I could declare a function/method… 3.I am pretty sure I could declare a function/method 4.Functions/methods are my friends
Please help us improve these classes by responding to the following questions
ResponseWare enabled me to receive effective feedback in this class. 1.Strongly Disagree 2.Disagree 3.Neutral 4.Agree 5.Strongly Agree
ResponseWare enabled me to influence the direction of the class 1.Strongly Disagree 2.Disagree 3.Neutral 4.Agree 5.Strongly Agree
Before the class: How did you feel about the material covered today 1.Not confident at all 2.Mostly not confident 3.Slightly confident 4.Neutral 5.Somewhat confident 6.Mostly confident 7.Absolutely confident
How do you feel now about the material covered today? 1.Not confident at all 2.Mostly not confident 3.Slightly confident 4.Neutral 5.Somewhat confident 6.Mostly confident 7.Absolutely confident
Please let us know two things you will take away from class today They can be as long or as short as you like and they won’t display on this slide. We also won’t know who has said what!
I prefer… 1.Labs like last semester 2.Labs like this one Please click Give Feedback if you would like to explain your opinion!
Any other feedback? See you next week!