Spreadsheets CS French Chapter 2
Computer Package –a set of programs and associated documentation (manuals etc) to be used for a specific type of task. Examples of Packages –AutoCAD - for the production of drawings. –Word Perfect - word processor for producing text documents. –Lotus spreadsheet –dBase - database for information storage and retrieval –Microsoft Works - integrated package: spreadsheet,WP, database, comms.
Spreadsheet A large sheet organised in rows and columns for organising text and numbers and doing calculations. A cell is the intersection of a column and a row. A cell may contain text, a number or a formula. The displayed contents of a cell containing a formula is the result of the calculation specified by that formula. A formula may refer to the contents of other cells, in which case if the contents of these other cells change the cell containing the formula will also change.
Normal View
Formula View
Column B Row 4 Cell B6 Active cell Formula bar Spreadsheet Features