General Description of Canines: The “single” members of the dental arches. The most stable teeth in the dental arches. Their roots are the longest (16.2 mm) and thickest “ labiolingually”. Well anchored in the alveolar bone last teeth to be lost.
General Description They are referred to as the “corner stones” of the dental arches help to support the facial musculature. The only teeth in the dentition possessing a single conical cusp. The only cusped teeth that has functional lingual surface rather than an occlusal surface.
Morphology of Maxillary Canine: The maxillary canine, one of the last teeth to appear in the oral cavity, erupts toward the end of the 11th year of age. * It is larger than the mandibular canine [arch trait].
Labial Aspect Labial Aspect 1) Crown * The facial side made up of three lobes like the incisor and the cingulum on the lingual side is the fourth lobes. * Labial ridge and shallow depressions present.
Labial Aspect Labial Aspect a. Crown Outline: * Mesial side broadly convex in the middle and flat in cervical * Distal side convex in the middle and slightly conccave in the cervical
Labial Aspect Labial Aspect b. Cusp * It has Mesial slope * It has Mesial slope (Shorter than D) (Shorter than D) Distal slope Distal slope * Cusp tip is centered on the * Cusp tip is centered on the root axis line. root axis line.
* Cusp slopes and the cusp make up one third of the cervicoincisallengthof the crown. make up one third of the cervicoincisallengthof the crown. Labial Aspect
Labial Aspect Labial Aspect c. Contact Area * Mesial at the junction of the incisal and middle thirds. of the incisal and middle thirds. Closer to the cusp tip than D.C.A.
c. Contact Area c. Contact Area * Distal in the middle third, which is more cervically located than M.C.A. * Distal in the middle third, which is more cervically located than M.C.A. 2) Root 2) Root * It is long, slender and conical. * The apical third is narrow M.D. * The apex may be pointed and bends distally.
Lingual Aspect Lingual Aspect 1) Crown 1) Crown a. Lingual ridge and fossa: a. Lingual ridge and fossa: * Lingual ridge running cervicoincisally from the cusp tip to the cingulum. cusp tip to the cingulum. * M. & D. lingual fossa lie on either side of L.R. and are shallows either side of L.R. and are shallows
b. Cingulum - large and centered b. Cingulum - large and centered c. Marginal ridges: * Lingual ridge is prominent * Lingual ridge is prominent * DMR is slightly elevated than M.M.R. * M.M.R. is longer that D.M.R. b/c of shorter M. Cusp slope. * M.M.R. is longer that D.M.R. b/c of shorter M. Cusp slope. Lingual Aspect
2) Root 2) Root * It is narrower on the lingual side than labial side. * Possible to see both sides of the root and longitudinal of the root and longitudinal depressions. depressions. Lingual Aspect
Proximal Aspects Proximal Aspects Crown Crown Wedge shaped crown with bulky cusp b/c of the labial and lingual ridge. a. Crest of curvature a. Crest of curvature - Labially in the cervical third. - Lingually in the cervical third, on the cingulum. - Labially in the cervical third. - Lingually in the cervical third, on the cingulum.
b. Cervical line b. Cervical line - Mesially it curves incisally quite a bit. Curvature is greater on M. than D. and less than incisors. Curvature is greater on M. than D. and less than incisors.
Proximal Aspects Root Root Broad faciolingually in its cervical and middle third. Labial outline is slightly convex. Lingual outline is more convex. Lingual outline is more convex. M & D longitudinal depression, distally is more distinct. M & D longitudinal depression, distally is more distinct.
Incisal Aspect Incisal Aspect * Crown outline is not symmetrical. * Labiolingual dimension is slightly greater than M.D. Like mand. inc. Unlike max. inc Unlike max. inc.
* The cusp and cusp slopes lie labial to MD axis line of the root and they traverse in a straight line mesioditally. * The cingulum is large and centrally located. Incisal Aspect
*Labial surface is convex - Labial ridge is prominent - M. half of labial outline is quite convex. - D. half is frequently concave giving the appearance that it has been pinched F.L. (to distinguish Rt. from Lt. Max. canine) - D. half is frequently concave giving the appearance that it has been pinched F.L. (to distinguish Rt. from Lt. Max. canine) Incisal Aspect
Incisal Aspect Incisal Aspect *Lingual ridge divides the lingual surface into half with shallow fossa on each side.
General Description of Mandibular Canine: Mandibular canine is larger than mandibular incisors in length and in MD width. [class trait] The first member of its class to appear in the oral cavity.[11 years] Relative to the maxillary canine, it is narrower MD and longer inciso-cervically. [arch trait]
Labial Aspect Labial Aspect * Labial surface is smooth and convex. * Labial ridge is present but is not pronounced as on max. canine. [arch trait] * Shallow vertical depression on either side of labial ridge.
Labial Aspect Labial Aspect 1. Crown * It appears long (11 mm) and narrow MD (6.8 mm) than maxillary canine [arch trait] * Mesial side is slightly convex to almost flat, nearly in line with M. side of the root. * Distal side slightly concave in the cervical third and convex in incisal two third crown appear tilted distally.
Labial Aspect Labial Aspect * Cusp tip is usually on the root axis, M. slope is shorter than D. slope. * Cusp tip is usually on the root axis, M. slope is shorter than D. slope. * Mesial contact area in the * Mesial contact area in the incisal third incisal third * Distal contact area at the junction of the middle and incisal third. * Distal contact area at the junction of the middle and incisal third.
Labial Aspect 2. Root * It is shorter than maxillary canine [15.9 mm] * It is convex on the labial surface and tapers apically to a blunt apex. * It is convex on the labial surface and tapers apically to a blunt apex.
Lingual Aspect Lingual Aspect It is narrower than the labial surface. It is narrower than the labial surface. * The lingual ridge and two fossae are not prominent. * The lingual ridge and two fossae are not prominent. * The cingulum is low, less bulky, less prominent and distal to the root axis line. * The cingulum is low, less bulky, less prominent and distal to the root axis line.
* The marginal ridges are not prominent, D.M.R. is slightly prominent than L.R. and M.M.R. * The marginal ridges are not prominent, D.M.R. is slightly prominent than L.R. and M.M.R. 2. Root 2. Root * Its lingual surface is convex and narrow. * Longitudinal depressions on M. and D. surface can be seen.
Proximal Aspects Proximal Aspects Crown Crown It is wedge shaped with thin incisal portion b/c of less bulky lingual ridge. It is wedge shaped with thin incisal portion b/c of less bulky lingual ridge. * Incisal ridge lingual to the root axis line. * Cusp tip located lingual to root axis line. [arch trait]
Proximal Aspects * Cervical line curve more incisally [arch trait], M. curve more than D * Cervical line curve more incisally [arch trait], M. curve more than D * Crest of curvature Labially - is closer to the cervical line. Lingually - on the cingulum (which is low and flattened) Lingually - on the cingulum (which is low and flattened)
Root Root M and D longitudinal depression More deeper in the D. More deeper in the D. Proximal Aspects
Incisal Aspect Incisal Aspect * Faciolingual outline is oblong *Faciolingual dimension is greater than MD * Mesiolabial outline is more convex * Distolabial outline is more flat or concave.
* Lingual portion is narrower than labial. * Cusp tip - near to the center or lingual to the center. * Disto-incisal angle - lingually positioned to the cusp tip [which gives the crown distolingual twist.] [which gives the crown distolingual twist.] Incisal Aspect
Incisal Aspect Incisal Aspect * Cingulum - is slightly distal to the center line. * Mesial marginal ridge longer than D.M.R. b/c of distolingual twist of the crown and distal located of the cingulum. * Mesial marginal ridge longer than D.M.R. b/c of distolingual twist of the crown and distal located of the cingulum.
Labio-lingual Section Reveals a double convex Lens - shaped pulp cavity Widest diameter below the cervix near the middle of the tooth
Mesio-Distal Section Cavity is very narrow from top to bottom In its entire length the cavity constricted Mesio-Distally