Getting results
Session summary and analysis The PRS software provides a set of tools to review and analyze classroom sessions With these tools, you can: –See a summary of your entire class’s response to each question –Review the session, question by question –Add a session to the PRS gradebook –Set up data for export to other systems (e.g. WebCT)
Session summary Start the PRS software Click on the Sessions tab A menu of available sessions will appear; see next slide
Session summary Choose the session you wish to review Clicking once on the session will activate the option buttons, as shown below; double-clicking opens a window like the one shown on the next slide
From the screen shown on the previous slide, you can: See a statistical summary of your session:
From the initial selection screen, using the highlighted buttons you can: Review a session: see original results, question by question Create a report –By question –By student –By some combination thereof Add results to a gradebook
Gradebooks I don’t use clickers for evaluation, but the PRS software has a built-in gradebook tool that can interact with the session recording Setting up a gradebook is a simple 3-step process: –Click on the Gradebooks tab –Click New Gradebook –Fill in the dialog window, which asks for a gradebook name and for you to specify a pre-existing class Once a gradebook is set up, you can specify which session(s) should be added or deleted, modify the grading scale, and make other changes