QM Reminder
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Outline Postulates of QM Picking Information Out of Wavefunctions –Expectation Values –Eigenfunctions & Eigenvalues Where do we get wavefunctions from? –Non-Relativistic –Relativistic What good-looking s look like Techniques for solving the Schro Eqn –Analytically –Numerically –Creation-Annihilation Ops
Postulates of Quantum Mechanics The state of a physical system is completely described by a wavefunction . All information is contained in the wavefunction Probabilities are determined by the overlap of wavefunctions
Postulates of QM Every measurable physical quantity has a corresponding operator. The results of any individ measurement yields one of the eigenvalues n of the corresponding operator. Given a Hermetian Op with eigenvalues n and eigenvectors n, the probability of measuring the eigenvalue n is
Postulates of QM If measurement of an observable gives a result n, then immediately afterward the system is in state n. The time evolution of a system is given by. corresponds to classical Hamiltonian
Picking Information out of Wavefunctions Expectation Values Eigenvalue Problems
Common Operators Position Momentum Total Energy Angular Momentum r = ( x, y, z ) - Cartesian repn L = r x p - work it out
Using Operators: A Usual situation: Expectation Values Special situations: Eigenvalue Problems the original wavefn a constant (as far as A is concerned)
Expectation Values Probability Density at r Prob of finding the system in a region d 3 r about r Prob of finding the system anywhere
Average value of position r Average value of momentum p Expectation value of total energy
Eigenvalue Problems Sometimes a function fn has a special property eigenvalue eigenfn Since this is simpler than doing integrals, we usually label QM systems by their list of eigenvalues (aka quantum numbers).
Eigenfns: 1-D Plane Wave moving in +x direction x,t = A sin(kx- t) or A cos(kx- t) or A e i(kx- t) is an eigenfunction of P x is an eigenfunction of Tot E is not an eigenfunction of position X
Eigenfns: Hydrogenic atom nlm (r ) is an eigenfunction of Tot E is an eigenfunction of L 2 and L z is an eigenfunction of parity units eV
Eigenfns: Hydrogenic atom nlm (r ) is not an eigenfn of position X, Y, Z is not an eigenfn of the momentum vector P x, P y, P z is not an eigenfn of L x and L y
Where Wavefunctions come from
Where do we get the wavefunctions from? Physics tools –Newton’s equation of motion –Conservation of Energy –Cons of Momentum & Ang Momentum The most powerful and easy to use technique is Cons NRG.
Schrödinger Wave Equation Use non-relativistic formula for Total Energy Ops and
Klein-Gordon Wave Equation Start with the relativistic constraint for free particle: E tot 2 – p 2 c 2 = m 2 c 4. [ E tot 2 – p 2 c 2 ] (r,t) = m 2 c 4 (r,t). p 2 = p x 2 + p y 2 + p z 2 a Monster to solve
Dirac Wave Equation Wanted a linear relativistic equation [ E tot 2 – p 2 c 2 m 2 c 4 ] (r,t) = 0 E tot 2 – p 2 c 2 = m 2 c 4 Change notation slightly p = ( p x, p y, p z ) ~ [P 4 2 c 2 m 2 c 4 ] (r,t) = 0 P 4 = ( p o, ip x, ip y, ip z ) difference of squares can be factored ~ ( P 4 c + mc 2 ) (P 4 c-mc 2 ) and there are two options for how to do overall +/- signs 4 coupled equations to solve.
Time Dependent Schro Eqn Where H = KE + Potl E
Time Dependent Schro Eqn Where H = KE + Potl E ER 5-5
Time Independent Schro Eqn KE involves spatial derivatives only If Pot’l E not time dependent, then Schro Eqn separable ref: Griffiths 2.1
Drop to 1-D for ease
What Good Wavefunctions Look Like ER 5-6
Sketching Pictures of Wavefunctions KE + V = E tot Prob ~
Bad Wavefunctions
To examine general behavior of wave fns, look for soln of the form where k is not necessarily a constant (but let’s pretend it is for a sec) Sketching Pictures of Wavefunctions KE
Re If E tot > V, then k Re ~ kinda free particle Im If E tot < V, then k Im ~ decaying exponential 2 /k ~ ~ wavelength /k ~ 1/e distance KE + KE
Sample (x) Sketches Free Particles Step Potentials Barriers Wells
Free Particle Energy axis V(x)=0 everywhere
1-D Step Potential
1-D Finite Square Well
1-D Harmonic Oscillator
1-D Infinite Square Well
1-D Barrier
NH 3 Molecule
E&R Ch 5 Prob 23 Discrete or Continuous Excitation Spectrum ?
E&R Ch 5, Prob 30 Which well goes with wfn ?
Techniques for solving the Schro Eqn. Analytically –Solve the DiffyQ to obtain solns Numerically –Do the DiffyQ integrations with code Creation-Annihilation Operators –Pattern matching techniques derived from 1D SHO.
Analytic Techniques Simple Cases –Free particle (ER 6.2) –Infinite square well (ER 6.8) Continuous Potentials –1-D Simple Harmonic Oscillator (ER 6.9, Table 6.1, and App I) –3-D Attractive Coulomb (ER 7.2-6, Table 7.2) –3-D Simple Harmonic Oscillator Discontinuous Potentials –Step Functions (ER 6.3-7) –Barriers (ER6.3-7) –Finite Square Well (ER App H)
Simple/Bare Coulomb Eigenfns: Bare Coulomb - stationary states nlm (r ) or R nl (r) Y lm ( )
Numerical Techniques Using expectations of what the wavefn should look like… –Numerical integration of 2 nd order DiffyQ –Relaxation methods –.. –Joe Blow’s idea –Willy Don’s idea –Cletus’ lame idea –.. ER 5.7, App G
SHO Creation-Annihilation Op Techniques Define: If you know the gnd state wavefn o, then the nth excited state is:
Inadequacy of Techniques Modern measurements require greater accuracy in model predictions. –Analytic –Numerical –Creation-Annihilation (SHO, Coul) More Refined Potential Energy Fn: V() –Time-Independent Perturbation Theory Changes in the System with Time –Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory