IBP Vetting Presentation The idea is to “pitch” your preliminary IBP technology/plan to the class. If you were an investor thinking about providing initial seed money for a proposed venture, what information would YOU want in order to make an informed decision before investing in an early stage venture? Alternatively, think of this presentation as one you might make to an INTERNAL Venture Funding group.
IBP Vetting Presentation You are not trying to “sell” your idea, you are trying to explain/present the analysis you have conducted thus far. – “Here is what we are thinking” vs. “Here is why you should invest in this idea”
IBP Vetting Presentation 15 minutes (give or take) Introduce your technology – Application vs. science Opportunity(ies) considered – Advantages offered – Existing product/services? – Preliminary analysis of market(s) – Industry, customers, segments, channels? – Competitive landscape – Rivals? Five forces? – What’s the business model? – Keys to success – Major hurdles – Viability – You may want to use the Strategy Diamond as a framework – This is a suggested outline. Each of your IBPs is unique.
Your assignment Listen to each team and consider the viability of their expressed opportunities Offer constructive feedback on their ideas – Positive and negative – Omissions? – False assumptions? – Alternative scenarios? – Flawed logic?
Assignment Format No more than 2 pages, single spaced feedback for each team Start with your most serious/important comments first Number your comments Offer solutions, alternatives or assistance when possible Work as a group Feedback due to me Tuesday, November 10 th I will pass the feedback onto each group, and to Tom and John Your grade will be a function of my assessment, as well as an assessment from each team on the quality of your feedback (each group will be given a form to critique the quality of the feedback they were given from the other teams)