Using wireless technology to deliver world class city management The Wi-Fi Business Development Summit, October 2005, Milan Cheryl Bennett - Programme Director Westminster City Council The Wi-Fi Business Development Summit, October 2005, Milan Cheryl Bennett - Programme Director Westminster City Council
Showcase for London and the UK Home of monarchy and centre of government Fastest growing residential population 2.2% of national GDP Tourism: 12 million overseas and 17 million UK residents visit Westminster each year 47,000 businesses employing over 550,000 people. About Westminster
The Westminster Vision “to position Westminster as an expert witness in the national and international debate on city management. We want to be seen as world leaders in city management, perceived as excellent in absolute terms by the private and public sector.” Simon Milton, Leader of the Council
Our front-line staff Over 1,000 police officers in Westminster 1250 street based staff working for Westminster City Council 250 parking attendants 200 inspectors e.g. licensing officers, highway officers 70 refuse trucks and 450 street cleaners 80 City Guardians
Delivering the Westminster Standard Providing leadership and innovation Delivering excellent services Working in successful partnerships Providing leadership and innovation Delivering excellent services Working in successful partnerships
World Class City Management
Increasingly Connected Authorities Local Authority People Oriented Services Environmental & Asset Mgt Services Social & Community Services EducationHousingCommunity Protection Environment & Leisure Parking SwiftOHMSEMSUniform SIA Confirm Street Scene ICPS CRM / HR / Finance / Billing / GIS / Intranet / eGovt Internet / Doc Mgt Elderly Care Child Protection OSS Civic Renewal City Management Westminster Connects Central Government Police and Emergency Services Co-existing Organisations Customer Expectations Low Tax Law & Order Opportunity Joined Up Third Party Service Providers
Why Wireless? Putting the customer first Productivity Improvement (minimum of 10-15%) Productivity gains (multi-skill Admin & generic versus Professional Services) Greater coverage and flexibility for less cost (5 wireless cameras for the cost of 1 fixed camera) Greater employee satisfaction Putting the customer first Productivity Improvement (minimum of 10-15%) Productivity gains (multi-skill Admin & generic versus Professional Services) Greater coverage and flexibility for less cost (5 wireless cameras for the cost of 1 fixed camera) Greater employee satisfaction
Issues we have had to tackle Agreeing a shared partnership vision for what we want to achieve Technology issues and pace of technological change Change management issues Agreeing a shared partnership vision for what we want to achieve Technology issues and pace of technological change Change management issues
The Wireless Network
What is happening now Community Protection - Mobilised workforce Increased productivity of front line staff, direct input to back office systems via PDAs Pro-active deployment via WCCTV City West Homes - Mobilised workforce Optimised processes for access in the field using PDAs Safer residential estates using CCTV that is more easily deployable to “hot-spots” CCTV - 40 cameras on a wireless network Remotely accessible by field staff and intelligent functionality Reduced cost, flexible deployment, planning issues Parking - using WCCTV Smart deployment of cameras to monitor traffic offences
The potential of the Wireless City... Remote traffic congestion monitoring Cashless parking payments Safer street environment Improving public security Remote access surveys Licensing, noise monitoring and inspections In the community Caring for our elderly Westminster Connects Home learning Inward Investment Opportunities Education Library services