October 2001Module Construction meeting 1.11.2001 IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 1 Discussions on validation of irradiated MODULES W. de Boer, F. Hartmann.


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Presentation transcript:

October 2001Module Construction meeting IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 1 Discussions on validation of irradiated MODULES W. de Boer, F. Hartmann IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH)

October 2001Module Construction meeting IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 2 Irradiation Protons in KA and neutrons in LouvainProtons in KA and neutrons in Louvain All types (TOB, TEC, TEC1&2, TIB) with corresponding fluences! Only 300µm thick sensors (modules),can be irradiated to maximum dose ( 1.6 x MeV(Neq.)) else V FD ~d²;Power~d³ too high!! Present extensive tests not foreseen for mass production

October 2001Module Construction meeting IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 3 Conditions Conditions: –No bias voltages! –Electronics on! –-10°C –Nitrogen atmosphere! Large cold box for irradiation needed ! –Facilities ready!

October 2001Module Construction meeting IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 4 Measurements before and after irradiation Pedestals Noise Bad strips (pinholes) Functionality test with LED / Laser Pulse shape S/N & CCE MIPs from 90 Sr beta source!! for different annnealing times (benificial,reverse) Longterm high voltage, current, power Plus: sensors, electronics, mechanics, miscellaneous

October 2001Module Construction meeting IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 5 Sensors Minimal program (individual sensor irrad. done!) Still mandatory measurement of: –Full depletion voltage (~d²) –Total leakage current (~d³)  Power consumption -Strip parameters (e.g. interstrip capacitance) On a subsample of strips (similiar to ingot pre-qualification)

October 2001Module Construction meeting IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 6 Electronics Passive component check (Resistors, capacitance...) Check read/write commands via I²C of »APV,MUX/PLL,DCU Calibration pulses Pipeline scan DCU – thermistor, linearity, etc Electronics power consumption

October 2001Module Construction meeting IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 7 Mechanics Microscopic images of glue-areas Dimensions Planarity!! Esp. after longterm test (high voltage, current, power)

October 2001Module Construction meeting IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 8 Misc Electrical contacts (esp. conductive glue) Bondings -- pull tests Stability – GLUE Pitch adapter Etc.....

October 2001Module Construction meeting IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 9 Irradiation Facility Compact Cyclotron at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe 30 MeV protons 1000 nA Beam spot: 2cm O T < -10°C Area: 20x40cm 2 Duration: 100cm min (1 sensor, 5e13p/cm 2 )

October 2001Module Construction meeting IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 10 Cold Box Dry N 2 atmosphere at –10°C. Flexible box to hold sensors and/or modules! Simple power lines

October 2001Module Construction meeting IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 11 Conclusions Most important MODULE tests before and after irradiation: –S/N, high voltage, current, power Longterm! How many modules of which type, do we like to irradiate with protons and neutrons.