Full time study, part time work: undergraduate’s learning from employment. Joanne Blake. University of Huddersfield Sept 2007
The Research Project 2 Year WBL Assessment and Credit Project Survey of full time student’s part time work Development of WBL module on undergraduate programmes Academic credit for sandwich placements Employer Engagement Progression to HE from non-traditional routes
Incidence of Student p.t term time work 40% 2004 (Mori & Unite) 53% 2005 (UUK 50% increase between 1996 and 2006 (TUC)
HUBS Students at work 343 completed questionnaires 226 (66%) work in term time 92% 6 hours + 34% 10 – 14 Hours 30% 15 hours +
Employer Types
‘Other’ categories Hospitals and NHS departments Sports organisations Estate Agency Banks and financial institutions Govt depts eg immigration, Revenue & Customs Marketing Accountancy practices
Skills Developed
The Student View 72% of respondents would like to be able to gain academic credit for p.t work 70% of respondents thought their work was not worthy of academic credit However, through student interviews comparability of learning was comprehended.
Student interviews Time management, self management and working under pressure; How to prioritise work and organisational skills Working with others, how to deal with people and social skills Dealing with difficult situation, conflict Self monitoring skills, patience, remaining calm and not being “hot headed.
HEI’s WBL modules Contact with 34 Business Schools 60% of business schools contacted have work based learning on traditional 3 year undergraduate degrees. WBL modules of varying credit value (between 15 and 30) at all levels and sometimes being a compulsory element for those students who had not undertaken a sandwich degree.
The Proposed Module Pilot module with small cohort of students Intermediate PD & WBL 5 hours part time work p/wk Paid or un-paid PD reflective portfolio Project in term 2
WeekTitleConcepts 1Introduction to Module What is work based learning Skills and knowledge developed in the workplace Maintaining a learning log & Collating evidence 3Reflection and articulation of learning Techniques for reflection in the workplace Reviewing feedback within the workplace Enhanced learning diaries 5 & 7Developing Creativity An introduction to tools for creativity The importance of creativity and enterprise 9Project Planning Selecting a work based project. Learning Contracts Managing the project. Risk Analysis 12Formative Assessment Portfolios to be submitted for formative assessment
The next step Monitoring and evaluation of pilot scheme WBL at other levels WBL within post –graduate courses How make avail in HUBS Effect on other aspects of the curriculum