JISAO Review April 19, 2005. NOAAUW JISAO PMELOffice of Research Administrative Structure.


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Presentation transcript:

JISAO Review April 19, 2005

NOAAUW JISAO PMELOffice of Research Administrative Structure

Vice Provost for Research Administrative BoardDirector Senior Fellows Administrator Business Office Scientific Staff

Vice Provost for Research Administrative BoardDirector Senior Fellows Administrator Business Office Scientific Staff Canines

NOAA steakholders

NOAA NMFS Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research PMEL Office of Global Programs Climate Observing RISAs NWS AFSC NMML NWFSC

University of Washington Arts & Sciences Ocean & Fisheries Science Engineering Atmospheric Sciences Earth & Space Sciences Oceanography Aquatic and Fisheries Science Applied Physics Lab MarineAffairs Civil Undergraduate Education Research Earth Initiative Environment Climate Change

Geosciences html NASA 5,151 papers 83,362 citations NOAA 4,082 68,532 NCAR 2,484 49,231 U Wash 2,562 46,985 USGS 3,915 46,303

NOAA Contribution Funding for Postdocs and Visitors ~10% of funding for JISAO Office

UW Contribution Director academic faculty member 4 months salary… reduced teaching duties ~90% of funding for JISAO Office Waiver of indirect costs on Task I Space for Business Office

JISAO Research

Research Administration Task I Visitors and Postdoc Program UW waives indirect costs Academic Freedom Administered by senior fellows Area-specific Task II Cooperative Research off-campus indirect cost rate 26% Task III Extramural Funding on-campus indirect cost rate 52.6%

JISAO Research Groups (continued) Marine Ecosystems FOCI NMFS supported Coastal Oceanography Tsunamis

JISAO Staff 116 PI-level Scientists15 Support Scientists 65 Postdocs 11 Graduate Students17 Administrative 8 UW PIs 30 Senior Fellows 38

Research Themes Marine Ecosystems (formerly Fisheries recruitment) Climate Coastal Oceanography (formerly Estuaries) Environmental Chemistry

NOAA Strategic Plan Marine Ecosystems Climate Weather and Water Commerce and Transportation

Research Groups Marine Ecosystems FOCI NMFS supported Climate Tropical Ocean, Atmosphere Arctic Pacific Northwest

JISAO Research Groups (continued) Coastal Oceanography Tsunamis Environmental Chemistry Ocean Carbon Atmospheric Aerosols and Trace Gases Hydrothermal Vents

Awards by Research Theme Argo Floats FOCI

Impacts of JISAO Research

Performance Metrics Accomplishments Citations Awards and Honors Competitiveness Non-academic metrics

Accomplishments Dynamics of ENSO Cycle, PDO, AO TAO Array; Argo Floats; Arctic buoys Ocean carbon measurements IGAC, baseline measurements Tsunami preparedness Promoting usage of regional climate data

Highly Cited Papers McPhaden MJ. SCIENCE 283 (5404): FEB Times Cited: 292 Mantua NJ, et al. AMS BULLETIN 78 (6): JUN 1997 Times Cited: 657 Takahashi T,..... Feely, RA and C. Sabine DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II- 49 (9-10): Times Cited: 81

Awards and Honors 2005 Rhines, Lettenmaier: AMS Lecturers 2004 Miles: Elected to the National Academy of Sciences Untersteiner: Elected Fellow of the AAAS McPhaden: Presidential Rank Award for Meritorious Federal Service Bates: NOAA Administrator’s Award Feely and Sabine: NOAA Outstanding Paper Award G. Johnson: NOAA Outstanding Paper Award Vecci: Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers O’Brien, Roe: Letters of Commendation from NDBC

JISAO according to Google Arctic 6th ARGO Floats 3rd Atmospheric Chemistry 3rd Bering Sea 1st Climate Impacts 6th El Niño 5th Hydrothermal Vents 2nd Ocean Carbon 1st Tsunamis 2nd (UW)

Issues Funding for Ecosystems and Weather Managing Recompetition Tensions between the Academic and Business Models Space

JISAO Staff 116 PI-level Scientists150 Support Scientists 658 Postdocs 117 Graduate Students175 Administrative 8 UW PIs 30 7 Senior Fellows 38 0

The Academic Model Proposals Peer Review Citations as a measure of impact Partnerships Long term (10-year +) perspective Capacity maintenance Basic research is important

“The Business Model” Strategic Planning, Goals and Objectives Non-Academic Performance Metrics efficiency, timeliness, relevance, economic payoff Clients, Stakeholders, Contractors 1-5 year Planning Horizon Capacity Building Project Tracking; Phase-out of “Completed Projects” Out-sourcing; Privatization