CYBERPHOBIA: The irrational fear of computers or technology
The Computer is your … Friend
Goals and Objectives Understand the basics of creating and saving documents Understand how to access the internet Understand how to utilize the Ohio driver training website Understand how to send and receive s and attachments Complete the online renewal application for your enterprise Learn what it costs See the value of joining the world of technology
Key Terms: The Internet is the worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data. An Internet service provider (abbr. ISP, also called Internet access provider or IAP) is a business or organization that sells to consumers access to the Internet and related services. The World Wide Web (or simply the "Web") is a global, read-write information space. A domain name is a name that is entered into a computer and then looked up in the global Domain Name System which informs the computer of the IP address(es) with that name. A website is a collection of web pages, typically common to a particular domain name on the World Wide Web on the Internet. domain nameWorld Wide WebInternet
SEARCH ENGINE A search engine is a program designed to help find information stored on a computer system, such as on the World Wide Web. The search engine allows one to ask for content meeting specific criteria and retrieves a list of references that match those criteria.World Wide Web
In Box
Attachment Page
Save or Open?
The Attachment!
Compose & Send
Protocol & Professionalism Your is a business address is a public and legal business record “Don’t send anything over the that you wouldn’t want published on the front page of the U.S.A. Today.” Netiquette by Virginia Shea
Guidelines “To” line: If you enter the recipient’s name first, a mere slip of the finger can send a message before its’ time. Save this to the end. Subject Line: Make sure to fill it. A blank header can make your message a low priority for the recipient. If you use the reply button, make sure your subject is still relevant. Be as specific and concise as possible. Message: Keep it short. Longer messages should be sent as attachments. Use spell check. Remember that your spellchecker will catch misspelled words, but not misused ones. Watch your tone. The reader cannot see your face or hear your tone of voice so chose your words carefully and thoughtfully. Signature: Don’t forget it.
Courtesy Don’t expect an instant response Not everyone is sitting in front of the computer with turned on. The beauty of Internet communication is that it is convenient. If your message is urgent, use the telephone. Don’t forward without permission If the message was sent to you and only you, be prepared to take responsibility if you pass it on. Too often confidential information has gone global because of someone’s lack of judgment. Don’t mix business with pleasure Most people have more than one address. Don’t send personal messages to business addresses.
INVESTING IN TECHNOLOGY Hardware Software Peripherals Supplies
Introduction to computers Terms Hardware Software Peripherals Operating System
Operating Systems An operating system (OS) is a software program that manages the hardware and software resources of a programhardwaresoftwarecomputer Mac OS X® (“Mac OS Ten”) – Used in Apple Computers Microsoft Windows® - Used in most other PCs Other operating systems are available, but their uses go beyond the scope of this course.
Common Software Microsoft Office Suite ® : ($449) Word ® - Word Processing ($229) Excel ® - Spreadsheets & Graphs ($229) PowerPoint ® - Presentations ($229) Access ® - Relational Database Management System ($229)
Common Software Adobe Reader ® - For reading portable document format (PDF) files (Free) QuickBooks ® - Accounting Software ($199) Media Players – Show videos (Free) QuickTime ® Real Player ® Windows Media Player ® Drivers – Included with peripherals Virus Protection – Keeps the bad guys away (Various costs)
Hardware Cost Factors Fewer DollarsMore Dollars