Physics 210 General Physics I Dr. Fortner FW 204
Course Content Physics—the science of energy and matter. Mechanics—the motion (or lack thereof) of physical objectsMechanics—the motion (or lack thereof) of physical objects Physical quantities describe behaviorPhysical quantities describe behavior Physical quantities are related to each otherPhysical quantities are related to each other Theoretical relations predict behaviorTheoretical relations predict behavior Mathematics Tool for understanding physicsTool for understanding physics Problem solving, not just plugging into equationsProblem solving, not just plugging into equations Algebra and trigonometry are essential (MATH 155)Algebra and trigonometry are essential (MATH 155)
Physics Sequences Algebra-based Courses PHYS 210 (Motion, Energy, Matter, and Heat)PHYS 210 (Motion, Energy, Matter, and Heat) PHYS 211 (Electricity, Magnetism, Light, and Atoms)PHYS 211 (Electricity, Magnetism, Light, and Atoms) Calculus-based Courses PHYS 253 (Motion and Energy) PHYS 273 (Electricity and Magnetism) PHYS 283 & 284 (Light and Atoms)
Course Topics 1. Laws of Motion Measurement, Force, Acceleration, Kinematics 2. Conservation Laws Circular Motion, Energy, Linear and Angular Momentum 3. Continuous Media Fluids, Oscillations, Waves, Sound 4. Thermal Physics Temperature, Heat, Thermodynamics
Web Pages Description and goalsDescription and goals Lectures slidesLectures slides Laboratory handoutsLaboratory handouts AssignmentsAssignments Grading scaleGrading scale
Lectures Powerpoint slides Corresponds to text sections in readingCorresponds to text sections in reading Different than textDifferent than text Students are responsible for bothStudents are responsible for both Demonstrations Interactive questionsInteractive questions Physical demonstrationsPhysical demonstrations Web and electronic media demonstrationsWeb and electronic media demonstrations
Laboratories Experimental labs Experimental labs Measurement techniques Data analysis Data presentation 8 Experimental Labs Problem labs Story problem interpretation Equation handling Solution strategy 4 Problem Labs
Problems and Quizzes Problems Problems Due the day after the lecture Use TA for help if needed Conceptual questions and problems Quizzes Covers readings and lecture Multiple choice, matching Midterms cover problems, too Final covers the whole course
How to Do Well Skim the text before class to get a head start on the lecture. Don’t just take notes in class (try to also listen). Slides are on the web page and can be printed out. Do the problems, they are great practice. Do multiple choice in the chapter to review., Ask questions: in class and in lab. next