WP3: R&D for ultra-low background techniques and facilities in the EU underground labs Dr. Matthias Laubenstein Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso ITALY.


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Presentation transcript:

WP3: R&D for ultra-low background techniques and facilities in the EU underground labs Dr. Matthias Laubenstein Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso ITALY J1 General Meeting Paris (France) February 20 th, 2007

Feb. 20th, 2007J1 General meeting - Paris (France)2  J1-WP3 review of objectives  tasks  deliverables  outlook for next six months Summary

Feb. 20th, 2007J1 General meeting - Paris (France)3 J1-WP3 : Review of objectives main objectives: Construction and upgrading of innovative Ultra Low Background Facilities (ULBF) in the four underground labs They should all together form a new EU coordinated system of facilities for ultra-low background measurement applications in rare event physics and other fields (e.g. environmental physics, archeometry and radioactive dating, geophysics) of world-wide value. Implementation of new and innovative techniques to deal with the radioactive background: active and passive shielding, veto systems, particle discrimination techniques, fragmentation of calorimeter detectors, control and suppression of radon levels. Study of the feasibility of fabrication of detectors and materials underground.

Feb. 20th, 2007J1 General meeting - Paris (France)4 J1-WP3 : Review of objectives The final deliverable will be: A final technical report discussing the new low background facilities installed in the different labs and their impact on the support of the research activities.

Feb. 20th, 2007J1 General meeting - Paris (France)5 YEAR 3 - tasks LNGS:  ULBF facility for gas detectors in operation in progress, now in hall C  upgrade of ULBF facility started delayed by Commissioner works LSC:  R&D on feasibility of crystal growth u/g completed

Feb. 20th, 2007J1 General meeting - Paris (France)6 YEAR 3 - tasks LSC (cont'd):  electroforming copper and lead melting facility started up in progress (see pictures)

Feb. 20th, 2007J1 General meeting - Paris (France)7 YEAR 3 - tasks LSM:  optimised cryogenerators operational delivery in 2007  very low bg and low threshold Ge detectors optimised work in progress  system for radon removal from the air tested and optimised - done  radiochemical measurements and optimisation of this technique started building construction started in outside labs at Modane

Feb. 20th, 2007J1 General meeting - Paris (France)8 YEAR 3 - tasks IUS:  Ge/NaI optimised for specialist parts, shield upgrade no information, need to contact Boulby  R&D on neutron veto complete, analysis upgraded no information, need to contact Boulby

Feb. 20th, 2007J1 General meeting - Paris (France)9 YEAR 3 - deliverables LNGS:  ULBF facility for gas detectors operative in hall C LSC:  Technical report on feasibility of crystal growth u/g completed

Feb. 20th, 2007J1 General meeting - Paris (France)10 LSC (cont'd):  electroforming copper and lead melting facility operative in progress, depends on works on ug lab YEAR 3 - deliverables

Feb. 20th, 2007J1 General meeting - Paris (France)11 LSM:  optimised cryogenerator operative installation after delivery  system for radon removal from the air operative YEAR 3 - deliverables

Feb. 20th, 2007J1 General meeting - Paris (France)12 IUS:  Technical report on component U/Th and Rn no information, need to contact Boulby  neutron-muon veto facility operating no information, need to contact Boulby  design optimised no information, need to contact Boulby YEAR 3 - deliverables

Feb. 20th, 2007J1 General meeting - Paris (France)13 Recent developments LNGS one of the new ultra low-level Germanium detectors developed in collaboration with the MPI-K of Heidelberg is now installed with its shielding;

Feb. 20th, 2007J1 General meeting - Paris (France)14 Achieved improvements GeMPI 2 re-design of sample handling equipment (glove box (-), air lock (++), crane(+)) flushing detector chamber with Rn-pure N 2 (+) stringent material selection (+) incremental improvements  shield for FET made out of Roman lead  low energy calibration source device removed  no end spring on crystal  BG two times better than GeMPI

Feb. 20th, 2007J1 General meeting - Paris (France)15 Improvements GeMPI 3 re-design of sample handling equipment (glove box) - done more stringent material selection  problem with Pb of shielding, needs to be replaced ( 207 Bi and 208 Bi contamination) incremental improvements  old ship steel screws replaced with copper  less microphony - not achieved

Feb. 20th, 2007J1 General meeting - Paris (France)16 MilestoneReference peopleExpectation finalization of proportional counter facility - LNGS M. Laubenstein, H. SimgenSummer 2007 improvements on new installed HPGe detector - LNGS M. Laubenstein, M. Heiselbefore Apr cryo generators installed and operative - LSM P. Loizabefore Apr update on chemical treatment unit - LSM P. Loiza, F. Piquemalsummer 2007 electroforming facility update - LSCJ. M. Carmonabefore Apr tasks and deliverables - IUSN. Spooner, V. Kudryavtsevasap Outlook for the next six months