NAANAA prepared by Magdalena Birowska & Karolina Milowska Jagiellonian University Summer Students Practice, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna practice supervisor: M.V. Frontasyeva FLNP JINR
Piece of history George Hevesy and Hilde Levi, Denmark, 1936: „...The usual chemical methods of analysis fail, as is well known,for most of the rare earth Elements and have to be repleaced by spectroscopic, X- ray, and magnetic methods. The latter methods can be supplemented by the application of neutrons to analitical problems by making use of artificial radioactivity and of the great absorbing power of some of the rare earth elemnets for slow neutrons...” ENAA FNAA nuclear reactors sticintillation detectors semiconductor detectors NaI(Tl) semiconductor detectors Ge(Li) extensive applicatios 3000 INAA RNAA (CNAA) NAA PGNAA DGNAA Number of publications
Gamma Spectra from a Sample of Pottery Irradiated for 24 Hours, Decayed for 9 Days, and Counted for 30 Minutes on a HPGe Detector Thermal neutrons (E~0.025 eV) Epithermal neutrons (E~0.5 eV-100keV) Fast or fission neutrons (E~100 keV-25 MeV)
FRANK LABORATORY OF NEUTRON PHYSICS JOINT INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH 1956 IBR-2 Pulsed Reactor and REGATA complex I.M. Frank ( ) The Nobel Prize in Physics of 1958 "for the discovery and the interpretation of the Cherenkov effect" F. L. Shapiro ( )
types of containers: samples: experimental room inside the reactor’s building
systematic study of air pollution with heavy metals and other toxic elements in Bulgaria (moss survey ) project : REGATA investigation of atmospheric deposition of heavy metals in some industrial areas of Eastern Europe : Russia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, using the biomoss monitoring technique and employing nuclear and related analytical methods for analysis, and GIS technology Hylocomium splendens Biomonitoring
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