Getting Administrators Excited About Libraries Dr. Odin Jurkowski Robin Gibbons Robin Boggs-Hargrave Pat Shannon Last updated :00am Missouri Association of School Librarians (MASL) Spring Conference Session IV 10:00 – 11:00 am
2 What this Workshop is all About Librarians and administrators working together to benefit our students
3 Agenda Introduction Odin - Who we are? Librarians and administrators Pat – Getting to know your Principal Robin G. – A Packet for the Principal: Information administrators need Robin H. – Communicating: Ideas for getting your principal’s attention
4 What is a School Librarian? Teaching, cooperative efforts in curriculum and information access, and leadership in program administration National professional guidelines, regional accreditation requirements, and state standards Enjoy students, teaching, and learning
5 Assumptions about Librarians (from those who are uninformed) Librarians do not need to be involved in curriculum planning Librarians are support resources, not teaching colleagues Librarians do not have conferences with teachers
6 Information Power Collaboration, Leadership, Technology coaching fostering information literacy building effective teams staff development model and promote lifelong learning formal and informal
7 Administrative Support Program Administration - Principle 4: An effective library media program requires ongoing administrative support
8 What is a School Administrator? Principal Teacher (compare terminology to Teacher Librarian) Advanced skills in the teaching and learning process A thorough understanding of practical applications of child growth and development A solid background in the liberal arts A sincere commitment to children’s welfare and progress
9 What Don’t Principal’s Know? Principals do not learn about libraries in their coursework: NCATE survey - Only 18% integrated schools library information into course work for prospective principals
10 Administrator’s Preconceived Notions What did they have in their coursework? What experiences did they have with their school libraries in past jobs? As students and parents? What is the culture in the school? What positive and negative influences must you deal with?
11 Our Task Permanent change must start at the top with professional principals’ organizations and preparation programs, so that the library message is institutionalized. Otherwise every time you help an administrator learn about libraries, he or she leaves and you must start over again.
12 What do Principals and Librarians Have in Common? Graduate course work View of the big picture Total grasp of the curriculum Leadership and management skills Seek a better world for children, a world that revolves around knowledge Not always understood, often unappreciated Like to control events in their areas
13 Next presenters… Pat Robin G. Robin H.
14 Questions?? Do you have stories to share? Questions, Comments, & Discussion
15 Useful Resources Snyder, T. (2000). Getting lead-bottomed administrators excited about school library media centers. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited. (ISBN ) Wilson, P.P., & Lyders, J.A. (2001). Leadership for today’s school library: A handbook for the library media specialist and the school principal. Westport, CN: Greenwood Press. (ISBN )
16 Contact Information Dr. Odin Jurkowski, Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor Library Science & Information Services Dept of Educational Leadership & Human Development College of Education & Human Services Central Missouri State University Lovinger 3132 Warrensburg MO phone