Roy Cales, NSI (850) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Technology
Overview of the Stimulus Plan The Stimulus Plan focuses 8 broad streams Source: * In Billions
Final Tally… Tax Relief - $288 Billion State / Local Relief - $144 Billion Infrastructure & Science - $111 Billion Broadband - $7.2 billion (grants & loans) Technology Expansion - $50-60 billion Green Initiatives - $43 billion Social Services/Health Care - $140 Billion E-Health - $19 billion Education - $53 Billion School Modernization - $9 billion
What is the Projected Timeline for Funds to be Made Available to States and Localities? About 90% of ARRA funding in FY 2009 will be provided to states and localities in the health, transportation and education programs. In FY 2010 and FY 2011 ARRA funds are targeted towards establishing capabilities to develop and promote long term economic growth including alternative energy and smart grid technology; Health IT; broadband deployment and access; high speed rail; funding for research and development. 5
Funding Flows Federal Agencies Competitive Grants State / Local Governments Direct Aid StatesCities/Counties Discretionary Grants State / Local Government
Follow the Money 85 + Grant Programs 227 Funding Sources Broadband Technology Opportunity Title I Law Enforcement Grants Energy Independence and Security Act Existing Procurement Vehicles E2T2 RUTS GSA NTIA
Broadband Grant Opportunities Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (TOP) To accelerate broadband deployment in un-served and underserved areas $4.7 billion Competitive Grant Program Decision Maker: National Telecommunications & Information Administration Distance Learning, Telemedicine & Broadband Program To support grants, loans and loan guarantees for broadband infrastructure through the Department’s Rural Utilities Service Broadband Loan Program $2.5 billion in Grants & Loans Decision Maker: Secretary of Agriculture
Education Technology Opportunities Enhancing Education Through Technology To improve student achievement through use of technology in elementary and secondary schools. $650 million in Formula Grants Decision Maker: Office of Elementary & Secondary Schools Institute Of Education Sciences For statewide data systems that include postsecondary and workforce information $250 million in Discretionary / Competitive Grants Decision Maker: Office of Post Secondary Education IDEA Part C To assist states to maintain and implement a statewide coordinated, multi-disciplinary, interagency system to provide early intervention for infants and families with disabilities. $500 million in Grants to States Decision Maker: Office of Special Education
Health Information Technology Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Health IT Standards Committee has been created to recommend, implement specs and certify criteria for the electronic exchange and use of Health Information Technology. $2 billion - Funded through the ONCHIT Decision Makers: Membership of the Health IT Standards Committee Electronics Health Records Incentives for Professionals affiliated with Medicine Advantage Plans To encourage the adoption and meaningful continued uses of electronic health records. Limited to $17 billion distributed in Medicaid Payments. Decision Makers: HHS Secretary
Green Information Technology Facility Infrastructure Investments To provide funding for facility sustainable restoration and modernization associated with maintaining physical structures at Department of Defense post, camps and stations. $4.2 Billion in total to all branches of Service. Federal Building Fund To carry out for the purpose of Federal Building Fund for modernization and repair. $5.5 billion Decision Maker: General Service Administration Department of Homeland Security Headquarters To provide funding, planning, design, construction, site security, information technology infrastructure, fixtures and related cost to consolidate the Department of Homeland Security Headquarters. $200 Million discretionary Decision Maker: Office of Undersecretary for Management
Policy Implications National Broadband Health Information Technology Green IT
Accountability Administrative Cost THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Vice President __________________________________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 13, 2009 OMB Announces New Recovery Act Administrative Costs Guidance for States Updated Guidance Helps States Better Meet Accountability and Transparency Requirements in Recovery Act The Office of Management and Budget has issued updated administrative costs guidance for states, improving the process by which they may obtain funds needed to meet the accountability and transparency requirements in the Recovery Act. Memorandum M (May 11, 2009) allows states to submit to the Federal Department of Health and Human Services either: estimated or budgeted costs for ARRA administrative costs to be included in its indirect cost rates for ARRA programs or a methodology to develop a billing rate for ARRA administrative costs used to charge the ARRA programs directly. The memo addresses concerns raised by state recipients of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grants regarding being able to secure funds for administrative costs like maintenance of their websites or development of their reporting databases in a timely manner. When the concern was raised, Vice President Biden asked OMB and Recovery Act staff to improve the funding process and the updated guidance was generated with the input of state and local officials. States will now be able to obtain funds for administrative costs related to Recovery Act activities more quickly than would be permitted under the current traditional process, allowing them to make up-front investments in staff and technology.
Time is of the Essence Signed in to law February 17 th May 3 rd Federal Agencies to make Performance Plans public Direct Aid Lead Agencies Grant Guidelines May 20 th Agencies begin reporting their grants and contracts Application Process **NEW DATE** October 10 th Recipients begin reporting with quarterly reports due 10 days after the end of each calendar quarter
How do I Get My Share? Start Now or Sooner Knowledge is Power Who Makes the Call Meet the Criteria Jobs, Jobs, Jobs Get the Guidelines Accountability Presidential Priority Not Just a Spreadsheet Funds Provided
Contact Information Roy Cales, NSI (850)