October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 1 4 th Concept Software First Results
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 2 ILCroot flow control Initializatio n Event generation Particle transport Hits Summable Digits Event merging Digits Clusters Tracking PID ESD Analysis
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 3 ILCroot persistent objects
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 4 Status of ILCroot: Generators (A. Mazzacane) Two more classes added to read files from external generator (like Pandora-Pythia) Two more classes added to read files from external generator (like Pandora-Pythia) Stdhep format Stdhep format Text format Text format Pandora-Pythia currently used to generate events for testing the detectors Pandora-Pythia currently used to generate events for testing the detectors
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 5 Status of ILCroot: VXD (A.Mazzacane D. Barbareschi) Add new class to read gdml geometry format Add new class to read gdml geometry format different version of SiD VXD: different version of SiD VXD: cilindrical cilindrical in ladder (only barrel, endcaps ready soon) in ladder (only barrel, endcaps ready soon) sid00 -> sidmay06 sid00 -> sidmay06
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 6 Status of ILCroot: VXD
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 7 Status of ILCroot: VXD
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 8 Status of ILCroot: VXD 3 technologies already present in ILCroot code: Silicon Pixel Detectors (SPD) Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD) Silicon Strip Detectors (SSD)
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 9 Status of ILCroot: TPC
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 10 Status of ILCroot: Tracking (F. Ignatov) Primary seeding: looks for track with hits 20 layers apart + beam constraint Primary seeding: looks for track with hits 20 layers apart + beam constraint Secondary seeding: looks for tracks with hits in layer 1, 4 and 7 (no beam constraint) Secondary seeding: looks for tracks with hits in layer 1, 4 and 7 (no beam constraint) Full Kalman filter then initiated Full Kalman filter then initiated 1st step: start from TPC fit + prolongation to VXD (add clusters there) 1st step: start from TPC fit + prolongation to VXD (add clusters there) 2st step: start from VXD, refit trough TPC + prolongation to MUD 2st step: start from VXD, refit trough TPC + prolongation to MUD 3st step: start from MUD and refit inword with TPC + VXD 3st step: start from MUD and refit inword with TPC + VXD Final step: isolated tracks in VXD and in MUD (not used at present) Final step: isolated tracks in VXD and in MUD (not used at present) Kinks and V0 fitted during the Kalman filtering Kinks and V0 fitted during the Kalman filtering All passive materials taken into account for MS and dE/dx corrections All passive materials taken into account for MS and dE/dx corrections
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 11 Number of cells in barrel: disposed in 236 slices containing 59 cells Number of cells in each endcap: 3164 disposed in 27 rings Status of ILCroot: DREAM
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 12 Bottom view of single cell Bottom cell size: ~2 cm Top cell size: ~ 4 cm Prospective view of clipped cell Cell length: 150 cm, 100cm Number of fibers inside each cell: 1980 equally subdivided between Scintillating and Cerenkov Fiber stepping ~2 mm Status of ILCroot: DREAM
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 13 Results from DREAM simulation (V. Di Benedetto) Scintillation and Cerenkov processes well simulated Scintillation and Cerenkov processes well simulated Easily switch from Cu to W (however, need to change calibration values of S and C ) Easily switch from Cu to W (however, need to change calibration values of S and C ) Pattern recognition in place (nearby cells). Pattern recognition in place (nearby cells). Hadronic showers appear to reproduce the compensation effect seen in the test module (Fluka) Hadronic showers appear to reproduce the compensation effect seen in the test module (Fluka) PiD (e/ / ) results are very promising PiD (e/ / ) results are very promising
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 14 Fluka vs G3/G4 Fluka Geant3 Geant4 - at 50 GeV in Pb Sphere of 500 cm Radius
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 15 MC for DREAM In the Bangalore version some 30% energy was not deposited (hadrons only, electrons were OK) In the Bangalore version some 30% energy was not deposited (hadrons only, electrons were OK) After fine tuning with CERN, 50 GeV - deposits: After fine tuning with CERN, 50 GeV - deposits: 46.5 GeV in Pb with G GeV in Pb with G GeV in Pb with G4 (QGSP_BERT_HP ) 47.8 GeV in Pb with G4 (QGSP_BERT_HP ) 45.0 GeV in Pb with G4 (QGSP_BERT ) 45.0 GeV in Pb with G4 (QGSP_BERT ) 48.1 GeV in Pb with Fluka 48.1 GeV in Pb with Fluka Punch-through in 1m Cu is clearly visible in the event display (should be recovered in the Muon Spectrometer) Punch-through in 1m Cu is clearly visible in the event display (should be recovered in the Muon Spectrometer) However, the energy deposited in the Cu is about twice than in W. However, the energy deposited in the Cu is about twice than in W.
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 16 Electrons in Endcaps
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 17 Resolution Plots for (Barrel only) (E)/E=45%/sqrt(E)
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 18 Detector layout
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 19 ILCroot Event Display
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 20 ILCroot Event Display 2
October 20th, 2006 A. Mazzacane 21 Conclusions Work is proceeding quickly Work is proceeding quickly First analyses will be shown at Valencia First analyses will be shown at Valencia ILCroot and instructions on the web asap! ILCroot and instructions on the web asap!