EFFECTS OF GORBACHEV’S REFORMS Reassessment of history Birth of civil society Effects went far beyond Gorbachev’s intentions Pamyat’ - Memory COLLAPSE OF THE USSR Freedom of discussion Freedom of publication
EFFECTS OF GORBACHEV’S REFORMS Youth Culture “Vanguard of the construction of communism” Activities directed through official youth organizations But other youth groups & influences existed COLLAPSE OF THE USSR
EFFECTS OF GORBACHEV’S REFORMS Youth Culture Chief medium = rock music Similar trends of development as in West COLLAPSE OF THE USSR Neformalny (informal groups) Tusovky (youth gatherings) New view of youth as “lost generation”
COLLAPSE OF THE USSR EFFECTS OF GORBACHEV’S REFORMS Conservative Backlash Negative effects on economy Suspicion & resistance Insecurity among managers & Party officials
EFFECTS AND REACTIONS Fears & Concerns Ended job security Ended stable provision of material goods Upset black market Increasing deficit & looming inflation COLLAPSE OF THE USSR
EFFECTS OF GORBACHEV’S REFORMS The Paradox of democratization Introduced plurality & terms limits at low-mid levels, but not at top Would not allow direct elections for presidency Alienated much of party & but had no popular support Led to rise of independence movements among non- Russian nationalities COLLAPSE OF THE USSR
EFFECTS OF GORBACHEV’S REFORMS Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe New approach = non- interference Wanted reform of Stalinist regimes But whole system discredited Would not use force once revolutions began COLLAPSE OF THE USSR