Update on progress of training activities of MUSE Network Dr Domenico Gallipoli Durham University
4 th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Phoenix, USA, April 2006 Dr Domenico Gallipoli, Durham University Training Programme Training of a new generation of researchers in the area of unsaturated soil mechanics by: Their involvement in the MUSE research project including the relevant management aspects Offer of teaching modules in the area of unsaturated soil mechanics available at member institutions Visits to associated industrial partners Participation to international conferences and scientific meetings
4 th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Phoenix, USA, April 2006 Dr Domenico Gallipoli, Durham University Networking Programme Organization of annual network meetings of 1 week duration including: a 2-day workshop focused on the progress of the MUSE research programme a 2-day school where speakers from industry and academia give lectures on a specific geotechnical theme. The school will also include lectures for training on complementary skills (OPEN TO RESEARCHERS FROM OUTSIDE THE NETWORK FREE OF CHARGE) A 1-day “hands-on” training session providing practical training in a particular skill/technique/methodology relevant to unsaturated soils
4 th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Phoenix, USA, April 2006 Dr Domenico Gallipoli, Durham University First MUSE School The 1st MUSE school took place at UPC in Barcelona, Spain on 1 and 2 June 2005 and was devoted to the theme “Fundamentals of Unsaturated Soils” It was open free of charge to researchers from outside the Network It was attended by a total of 79 participants including 31 from outside the network from both academia and industry, some from countries outside Europe Eight lectures were delivered by academics from UPC Two invited key-note lectures were delivered by academics outside the Network Two invited industrial lectures were delivered by associated industrial partners
4 th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Phoenix, USA, April 2006 Dr Domenico Gallipoli, Durham University Programme First MUSE School
4 th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Phoenix, USA, April 2006 Dr Domenico Gallipoli, Durham University Audience First MUSE School
4 th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Phoenix, USA, April 2006 Dr Domenico Gallipoli, Durham University Audience First MUSE School
4 th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Phoenix, USA, April 2006 Dr Domenico Gallipoli, Durham University Second MUSE School The 2nd MUSE school will take place at ENPC in Paris, France on the 17 and 18 May 2006 and will be devoted to the theme “Applied Unsaturated Soil Mechanics” It will be open free of charge to researchers from outside the Network (YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO ATTEND!) Six lectures will be delivered by academics from ENPC Two invited key-note lectures will be delivered by academics outside the Network Two invited industrial lectures will be delivered by speakers from industry
4 th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Phoenix, USA, April 2006 Dr Domenico Gallipoli, Durham University Programme Second MUSE School
4 th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Phoenix, USA, April 2006 Dr Domenico Gallipoli, Durham University Contact and Further Information Network website: Network Coordinator: Dr D. Gallipoli School of Engineering University of Durham Durham DH1 3LE