C&A 1 May 06 1 Point Source Detection and Localization Update Using the UW HealPixel database on DC2_2 data Toby Burnett University of Washington
C&A 1 May 06 2 Procedure Create compact tuple with (ra, dec, energy, event_class) from 55 days. Create Healpixel array with 8 levels (6-13) depending on energy; fill with classA Front only for now –Generate density plots of full sky (AIT), or small regions (ZEA) –Use current catalog list to apply simple maximum likelihood background/signal fits independently to each energy band –If (TS)>2, adjust position to maximize total likelihood Results are at tab “catalog-v1r2-DC2-2”: 350 fits, ~30 problems Sort according to position resolution, from to 0.4 deg –Also use for source finding
C&A 1 May 06 3 DC2_2 photon density Vela region
C&A 1 May 06 4 Around Vela: two very hard pulsars, another hard unknown source Vela (empty for test) MRF0141_v1r PSR_J0717m PSR_J0904m
C&A 1 May 06 5 Analysis Details, questions See kelihood.htm, tab “Hard PSR” kelihood.htm Would EGRET have seen these sources? Sensitivity? EGRET Astron. Astrophys. 289, (1994) Note: EGRET total is 6852 events mostly from 3 weeks of pointed observations during first year scan. The DC2 55-day scan yields 7871 (front only). From the same EGRET paper: “Strong sources can be located to an accuracy of about 0.1 ”.