Least Squares Asymptotics Convergence of Estimators: Review Least Squares Assumptions Least Squares Estimator Asymptotic Distribution Hypothesis Testing
Convergence of Estimators Let be an estimator of a parameter vector based on a sample of size n. is a sequence of random variables. is consistent for if
Convergence of Estimators A consistent estimator is asymptotically normal if Such an estimator is called n-consistent. The asymptotic variance is derived from the variance of the limiting distribution of
Convergence of Estimators Delta Method: n( n - d N(0, ) n[a( n )-a( )] d N(0, A( ) A( )′) where a(.): R K R r has continuous first derivatives with A( ) defined by
Least Squares Assumptions A1: Linearity (Data Generating Process) –y i = x i ′ + i (i=1,2,…,n) –The stochastic process that generated the finite sample {y i,x i } must be stationary and asymptotic independent: lim n i x i x i ′/n = E(x i x i ′) lim n i x i ′y i /n = E(x i ′y i ) –Finite 4 th Moments for Regressors: E[(x ik x ij ) 2 ] exists and is finite for all k,j (=1,2,…,K).
Least Squares Assumptions A2: Exogeneity –E( i |X) = 0 or E( i |x i ) = 0 –E( i |X) = 0 E( i |x i ) = 0 E(x ik i ) = 0. A2’: Weak Exogeneity –E(x ik i ) = 0 for all i=1,2,…,n; k=1,2,…K. –It is possible that E(x jk i ) 0 for some j,k and j i. Define g i = x i i = [x i1,x i2,…,x iK ] i, then E(g i ) = E(x i i ) = 0 What is Var(g i ) = E(g i g i ′) = E(x i x i ′ i 2 )?
Least Squares Assumptions –We assume lim n i x i i /n = E(g i ) lim n i x i x i ′ i 2 /n = E(g i g i ′) E(g i ) = 0 (A3) Var(g i ) = E(g i g i ′) = Ω is nonsingular –CLT states that
Least Squares Assumptions A3: Full Rank –E(x i x i ′) = xx is nonsingular. –Let Q = i x i x i ′/n = X′X/n –lim n Q = E(x i x i ′) = xx (A1) –Therefore Q is nonsingular (no multicolinearity in the limit).
Least Squares Assumptions A4: Spherical Disturbances –Homoscedasticity and No Autocorrelation Var( |X) = E( '|X) = 2 I n Var(g i ) = E(x i x i ′ i 2 ) = 2 X′X CLT:
Least Squares Assumptions A4’: Non-Spherical Disturbances: –Heteroscedasticity Var( |X) = E( '|X) = V(X) Var(g i ) = E(x i x i ′ i 2 ) = X′VX CLT:
Least Squares Estimator OLS –b = (X′X) -1 X′y = + (X′X) -1 X′ = + (X′X/n) -1 (X′ /n) –b - = (X′X/n) -1 (X′ /n) –(b – (b – ′ (X′X/n) -1 (X′ /n)(X′ /n) ′ (X′X/n) -1
Least Squares Estimator Consistency of b –b - = (X′X/n) -1 (X′ /n) –plim(b – = plim[(X′X/n) -1 (X′ /n)] = plim[(X′X/n) -1 ]plim[(X′ /n)] = [plim(X′X/n)] -1 plim[(X′ /n)] = Q -1 0
Least Squares Estimator Consistency of s 2 –s 2 = e′e/(n-K) = ′M /(n-K) = [n/(n-K)](1/n) ′M –plim(s 2 = plim[(1/n) ′M ] = plim[ ′ /n - ′X(X′X) -1 X′ /n)] = plim[ ′ /n] -plim[( ′X/n)][plim(X′X/n)] -1 plim[(X′ /n)] = plim[ ′ /n] - 0′Q -1 0 = E( ′ ) = 2
Least Squares Estimator Asymptotic Distribution –b - = (X′X/n) -1 (X′ /n) –√n (b - ) = (X′X/n) -1 (X′ / √ n) → d Q -1 N(0, Ω) –This is because of A4 or A4’ –√n (b - ) → d N(0, Q -1 ΩQ -1 )
Least Squares Estimator Asymptotic Distribution –How to estimate Ω? If A4 (homoscedasticity), Ω = 2 Q –√n (b - ) → d N(0, 2 Q -1 ) –Approximately, b → a N( , ( 2 /n)Q -1 ) –Consistent estimator of ( 2 /n)Q -1 is (s 2 /n)Q -1 = s 2 (X ′ X) -1
Least Squares Estimator Asymptotic Distribution –How to estimate Ω? If A4’ (heteroscedasticity), –√n (b - ) → d N(0, Q -1 ΩQ -1 ), where Ω = X ′ E( ′ )X = X ′ VX –Asy var(b) = (1/n)Q -1 ΩQ -1 –White Estimator of Ω:
Least Squares Estimator Asymptotic Distribution –White Estimator of Asy var(b) Est(Asy var(b)) = (1/n)Q -1 [ i x i x i ′e i 2 /n] Q -1 = (X ′ X) -1 [ i x i x i ′e i 2 /n] (X ′ X) -1 White Estimator is Consistent: Heteroscedasticity Consistent Variance-Covariance Matrix
Least Squares Estimator Asymptotic Results –How “fast” does b → ? Under A4, Asy Var(b) = ( 2 /n)Q -1 is O(1/n) –√nb has variance of O(1) –Convergence is at the rate of 1/ √n –Asymptotic distribution of b does not depend on normality assumption of . –Slutsky theorem and the delta method apply to function of b.
Hypothesis Testing
Under the null hypothesis H 0 : Rb = q, where R is J by K matrix of full row rank and J is the number of restrictions (the dimension of q), W = n(Rb-q) ′ {R[Est(Asy var(b))]R ′ } -1 (Rb-q) = n(Rb-q) ′ {R[ns 2 (X ′ X) -1 ]R ′ } -1 (Rb-q) = (Rb-q) ′ {R(X ′ X) -1 ]R ′ } -1 (Rb-q)/s 2 = JF = (SSR r – SSR ur )/s 2 ~ 2 (J)