Legislative Forum Mental Health and School Success Creating a Shared Agenda in Ohio Dr. Mike Hogan Director, ODMH Chair, President’s Commission on Mental Health
What is Mental Health and School Success? A fact: the two are linked for children and schools An Ohio collaboration: –School and mental health personnel, parents and students, ODMH and ODE, University staff and faculty –Diverse efforts in many but not all communities to work together A commitment, not a program.
President George W. Bush Announcing the New Freedom Commission Albuquerque, New Mexico: April “Consider this example -- a 14-year-old boy who started experimenting with drugs to ease his severe depression. This former honor student became a drug addict. He dropped out of school, was incarcerated six times in 16 years. Only two years ago, when he was 30 years old, did the doctors finally diagnose his condition as bipolar disorder, and he began a successful program, a successful long-term treatment program.”
“The Commission’s goal shall be to recommend improvements to enable adults with serious mental illness and children with severe emotional disturbance to live, work, learn, and participate fully in their communities.” President’s Executive Order, April 2002
20% Data from the President’s Commission: Seriousness of the Problem Prevalence of Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) 9-13% 5-9%Youth with SED & very serious problems in home or at school 9-13%Youth with SED & some problems at home, school 20%Youth with any diagnosable disorder 5-9%
Most Children in Need are Not Getting Help % Unserved Calculations based on data from the National Health Interview Study, Sturm et.al, 2000 Unmet Need for Mental Health Services
Surgeon General on Suicide; Data For young people 15-24, suicide is third leading cause of death Rate for ages* /100,000 * /100,000 * /100,000 In 1996, more youth and young adults died from suicide than cancer, heart disease, AIDS, stroke, pneumonia, & birth defects COMBINED
President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health “...[T]he Commission proposes a combination of goals and recommendations that together represent a strong plan for action. No single goal or recommendation alone can achieve the needed changes.” Commission Report Commission Report
National Goals To Transform Mental Health Care Establish Mental Health as Essential to Health Provide Consumer and Family Centered Care Eliminate Disparities in Mental Healthcare Early Mental Health Screening and Treatment Across the Lifespan Provide The Best Care Science can Discover and Offer Capitalize on Technology
National Goals with Recommendations To Transform Mental Health Care Establish Mental Health as Essential to Health Provide Consumer and Family Centered Care Eliminate Disparities in Mental Healthcare Early Mental Health Screening and Treatment Across the Lifespan –Improve and Expand School Mental Health Programs Provide The Best Care Science can Discover and Offer Capitalize on Technology
Why Mental Health Services in Schools? It’s where the students are! Mental illness/emotional disturbance a major cause of school failure Families more comfortable in community setting Minimize stigma Teachers and all students benefit from a supportive learning environment Ability to collaborate and advocate directly for education needs of students Greater ability to reach kids with “internalizing disorders”
Mental Health Contributes to School Success! Results from Fairless Schools and “Care Team” Graduation rate up 26 points to 92% ACT scores up 13% to 21 Proficiency scores Up: –Reading: 95% (+28%) –Writing: 96% (+45%) –Math: 85% (+117%) –Citizenship: 88% (+48%) –Science: 85% (+73%) Severe discipline down 79%
Legislative Forum: Recommendations Share knowledge about the link between mental health and school success—and the importance of school-based mental health services Schools and mental health must change the status quo: –ID and serve children early not late. Consider school based screening –Improve training of educators and MH staff –Encourage schools to incorporate awareness of mental health into the K-12 curriculum –Improve availability of and access to school based MH services
Ohio Department of Mental Health Budget as a Percent of State Budget (GRF and Total) 3.8% 3.6% 3.4% 3.2% 3.0% 2.8% 2.6% 2.4% 2.2% 2.0% 1.8% % of GRF % of Total
Legislative Forum: Recommendations Educators, MH professionals and families should work together to shape approaches that address children’s well-being –Increase family involvement at all levels –Support/empower parents in their involvement with schools and mental health providers –Actively support parent and student input –Improve collaboration between SBMH and community based services
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