optic nerve
Striate Cortex (V1) Hubel & Wiesel 1 deg
Hallem & Carlson 2006 (via Rachel)
Hallem & Carlson 2006 amines lactones acids sulfur terpenes aldehydes ketones aromatics alcohols esters Odorant Receptors
Striate Cortex (V1) Hubel & Wiesel 1 deg
Striate Cortex (V1) 1 deg IT face cell Tsao et al. 2006
11 20 faces! Marge Livingstone & Doris Tsao
Distribution of Face Selectivity Indices Marge Livingstone & Doris Tsao
x x x x x x x x x x x x Hubel & Wiesel 1962 LGN Striate Cortex X = excitation = inhibition + + +
R1R1 Sclar & Freeman 1982 response (spikes/s) orientation 80% contrast 40% contrast º+25º0º0º
McAdams & Maunsell 1999 attend in attend out º-60º-30º0º0º30º60º90º V4 response orientation
Kohn & Movshon direction of motion spikes/s adapting direction
Kohn & Movshon direction of motion spikes/s adapting direction
140 spikes/s Early: 65 to 85 ms = 45° = 90° = 135° Late: >150 ms 140 spikes/s Pack & Born 2001
140 spikes/s Early: 65 to 85 ms = 45° = 90° = 135° Late: >150 ms 140 spikes/s Pack & Born 2001
Lorençeau et al. 1993
Message TRANSMITTER SIGNAL RECEIVED SIGNAL NOISE SOURCE RECEIVER Message after Shannon and Weaver 1949 encoder decoder
visual field * Carlos Ponce
Shadlen & Newsome 1994 trial # sp/sec time (ms) Spikes from an MT Neuron: Identical Stimulus, 210 Repeats
Michele Fabre-Thorpe Rapid Scene Perception: Time of 1 st Spike?
x x x x x x x x x x x x Hubel & Wiesel 1962 LGN Striate Cortex X = excitation = inhibition + + +
Attneave 1954
Webster, Mizokami, and Webster 2007