Makenzie Rasmussen | Thesis Studio
What I’ve Done So Far 1 st round of mock-ups (skeleton) 2 nd round of mock-ups (designed skeleton) Peer Review Questionnaire Functional HTML site User Testing Changes to mock-ups (in progress)
Peer Review Feedback 1) Do you have a Bucket List written down? Yes No 2) If yes, please list 3 items? 3) Do you have Goals written down? Yes No 4) If yes, please list 3 items? 5) Do you write To Do lists? Yes No 6) If yes, please list 3 items? 7) If yes, how do you keep track of these To Do’s? 8) If no, why not? 9) Would you like to use Makin’ Moves to help you with goal accomplishment? Please explain. Yes No
Peer Review Feedback 1) Do you have a Bucket List written down? Yes No 3 Yes 25% 9 No 75% No Answer0% 2) If yes, please list 3 items? –Own a business –Visit my grandparents –Buy a home –See the Dalai Lama –Personal
Peer Review Feedback 3) Do you have Goals written down? Yes No 5 Yes42% 7 No58% No Answer 0% 4) If yes, please list 3 items? –Get good grades –Be a good friend –Get a part-time job –Start paying off student loans –Personal
Peer Review Feedback 5) Do you write To Do lists? Yes No 5 Yes42% 6 No50% 1 No Answer 8% 6) If yes, please list 3 items? –Grocery Shopping –Homework –Write s / Call –Schedule appointment –Personal
Peer Review Feedback 7) If yes, how do you keep track of these To Do’s? –Several No Answers –Teux Deux App –Write in Notepad (2) 8) If no, why not? –In my head –Or no answer 9) Would you like to use Makin’ Moves to help you with goal accomplishment? Please explain. Yes No 7 Yes58% 4 No33% 1 No Answer8%
Peer Review Feedback Overall: –Do user testing –Clean up visual design –Good concept, helpful for those with Goals/Bucket Lists –Those without might not use.
Functional HTML Site
User Test Feedback Age? Sex? What did you think? (1= bad, 5= great) 1 2 3 4 5 What pages were confusing? (name) Why? What page did you like best? (name) Why? Would you use this application to manage your bucket list, goals, and to do’s? Explain. Yes No Was there an option that was missing? Explain. Were any pages unnecessary? (name)
User Test Feedback Age? 0 – % 10 – 2023 % 20 – 3046 % 30 – 4015 % % Sex? Male61.5 %Female 38.5 %
User Test Feedback What did you think? (1= bad, 5= great) 1 2 3 4 5 10 % 20 % 315 % % 531 %
User Test Feedback What pages were confusing? (name) Why? –Bucket List How it ties to Goals / To Do’s… get’s complicated –Bucket List / Vision Gallery Do all pictures go into vision gallery? What page did you like best? (name) Why? –Edit Settings Lots of options –Vision Gallery Fun to store pictures of what you want! –Goals Like the hierarchy
User Test Feedback Would you use this application to manage your bucket list, goals, and to do’s? Explain. Yes No Yes70 % No30 % Yes: –Connects my bucket list to my goals –Vision gallery is cool –Very detailed items No: –I don’t keep a to-do list. –Seems like it would overwhelm me
User Test Feedback Was there an option that was missing? Explain. –Share Vision Gallery (with facebook/ twitter) –Quicker link to vision gallery –Print out list option? Hang up steps Were any pages unnecessary? (name) –Priority should be in “edit settings”
Menu Vision Gallery Added here
To Do List Make pictures clickable Link to Vision Gallery
Add New To Do Item Take out priority
Bucket List Show 2 level hierarchy here Goal Items Steps in To Do List
Changes to Mock-Ups Edit Settings –Share vision gallery with Facebook album –Tweet about completed goal – pdf to print out Include diagram of Bucket List – Goal – To Do Items Clean up visual
Next Steps This week –Finish Mock-Ups (By Wednesday) Next Week –Second Round of User Testing (By Monday) –Make Changes (By Wednesday) Following Week –Final Functional HTML site (By Monday)
Thank you!