DIABETES: Type 2 and You? Research by Steve Koteff John Kinzie Elementary Chicago Public School IIT research Mentor Ali Cinar This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant No. EEC Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Overview Subject: Diabetes Target Audience: Seventh Grade Time Requirements: 4 classes OBJECTIVE Content: Diabetes type 2 what is it, and how do you control it Introduce engineers and what they do Ethics introduction: paper, discussion Inquiry How do we keep blood glucose at a constant healthy level
Illinois Standards 11 B 5 : Use conceptual, mathematical, and or physical models to predict change ( e. g. computer simulation, solar system model, atomic and molecular models ). 12 A 7 : Describe how physiological systems carry out vital functions, including movement, transport, respiration, digestion, reproduction, photosynthesis, excretion, and temperature regulation. 12 A 9 : Describe symptoms, transmission, treatment, and prevention of disease 13 A 1 : Demonstrate the use of scientific instruments and technology for various purposes and levels of precision ( e. g. balances, graduated cylinders, calculators and computers).
Background TEACHER NOTES: Pretest / post test same test to document learning given first thing, and last thing in module. Introduction to Diabetes handout, lecture, discussion Ethics handout Engineering handout URL addresses for meal planner, and glucosim software and instructions how to use them Instructions on creating a brochure on type 2 Diabetes Research by students Hands on experiment with energy Rubric for evaluating areas of the project
Examples A research of web sites to introduce themselves to Diabetes Engineering design will consist of measuring the gas produced (by volume) by yeast during respiration, and redoing the experiment to meet given amounts, finding the cheapest and Brochure to give insight to the reader Pretest and post test to show learning
PROJECT Feed cereal with high sugar content to active yeast and describe what happens. Measure the volume of the gas released by the yeast Redo the experiment with two additions Give dollar values to the yeast and cereal 1.Design the cheapest way to produce a given amount of gas 2. try to achieve a gas output equal to an amount given by the teacher
Materials Powdered active yeast Water Reclosable plastic sandwich bags Graduated cylinders Trix cereal Tubs to hold the overflow water Computers Measuring cups Funnel Beakers
Assessment Brochure assessed by rubric Pretest / post test Key to assess knowledge gained Meal planner project input correct food choices, graphed on glucosim assessed by rubric. Design of a way to measure a specific amount of gas at the cheapest price possible rubric Opening activity research assessed by rubric