Making Presentations
Purpose The aim of this series of slides is to offer you some guidance for designing and delivering a presentation to colleagues
Structure Plan the presentation. Make sure your presentation has: A beginning A Middle An End Leave time for questions.
Overheads and PowerPoint Large enough to read ‘at a glance’. No errors. Bullet point the main issues. Give important fact. Not too much on one screen.
Presenters All should contribute There should be obvious co- operation between the presenters Roles and timings should be decided beforehand Practice!
Speaking Speak to the audience, don’t read! Use the slides to prompt yourself. Acknowledge the audience. Sound confident. Maintain eye contact. Watch body language
Assessment You will be judged on: content materials structure delivery
Finally... This is a group effort, and a group is only as strong as its weakest member. If you detect one of your group is having problems help them out.