Mesocosm: Figs1 Exp
10:09 Before final flush Bkgd: 0.14ug/m3 and ~200p/cc
As soon as we start filling via the plant chamber, spikes in particle number and NOx (~5ppb) were observed!
11:29 Nearly finished filling the RC
11:33 Filling complete
11:35 Lights and O3 on! Nucleation started within 5min
44min ALO: We now have two nucleation events similar to Friday’s Exp!
73min ALO: Two modes and 0.13ug/m3
1h40min ALO
14:04 SMPS arched! Changed scanning range down to 237nm
5h45min: 2ppb Limonene were injected.. Nucleation started within a couple of min
5.5h ALO and 40min after Limonene injection
6 HALO, 1h20min after Limonene injection
6h40min ALO, ~2h after limonene injection
Exp overview