Sankt Nicholas St.nicholas
facts St.nicholas was Born in Germany. St.nicholas was Born in Germany. St.nicholas was most popular in the catholic and orthodox and he was also popular lutheran Churches. St.nicholas was most popular in the catholic and orthodox and he was also popular lutheran Churches. He is known to put coins in people’s shoes. He is known to put coins in people’s shoes. He is the model for Santa clas. He is the model for Santa clas.
More facts He was an orthodox bishop in Myra which is a part of Turkey today. He was an orthodox bishop in Myra which is a part of Turkey today. He is the saint for children and students in some countries in Europe. He is the saint for children and students in some countries in Europe. In Germany saint Nicholas is celebraited on 6th of December. In Germany saint Nicholas is celebraited on 6th of December. German children put out their boots and get presents in them. German children put out their boots and get presents in them. Knecht Ruprecht was saint Nicholas friend and took the bad children to a dark forest to punish them. Knecht Ruprecht was saint Nicholas friend and took the bad children to a dark forest to punish them.
Photos and facts Me and my family celebrate saint Nicholas day. We celebrate saint Nicolas because my grand mother is from Germany. Me and my family celebrate saint Nicholas day. We celebrate saint Nicolas because my grand mother is from Germany.
Just photos.