Compositions on the Sacred Wisdom The Veda. Veda “Sacred Knowledge” Compositions traditionally divided into two main categories: Introduction.


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Presentation transcript:

Compositions on the Sacred Wisdom The Veda

Veda “Sacred Knowledge” Compositions traditionally divided into two main categories: Introduction

Mantra-s “the spoken word(s) as an exercise of power” [Etymology: man- “think” + the primary suffix -tra signifying the means or instrument of the action expressed by the root: “the instrument or means of thinking”: thus any speech act that projects power: a Vedic hymn, portion of the Veda, incantation, sacrificial formula, or even a syllable] (1) Mantra

Compositions that explain or elucidate a (ritual) action or mantra. It may –Explain the origin or reason of sacrificial action –Prove their validity. (2) Br  hma  a

Br  hma  a: Explanation “pertaining to bráhman- Bráhman- refers to –the fundamental and sustaining principle or power which causes ‘increase’ (i.e. fecundity), or –(if pitch accent on –mán): That class of society, the br  hma  as, who are the repositories and communicators of sacred, sacrificial knowledge

Four types: –  c- ‘metrical verse’ –S  man- ‘chanted verse’ –Yajus- ‘non-metrical verses which form complete sentences –Nigada- ‘a yajus- addressed loudly to another officiant calling upon him to perform a certain action (= prai  a-) The Vedic mantra-

Mantras and Br  hma  as Found singly or in combination in the following Vedic compositions –Sa  hit  -s ‘collections’ or (in grammar) ‘uninterrupted texts (i.e., ‘connected speech) –Br  hma  a-s ‘pertaining to bráhman

 g-veda-sa  hit  - S  ma-veda-sa  hit  - Yajur-veda-sa  hit  - Atharva-veda-sa  hit  - The Four Sa  hit  -s

 g-veda- sa  hit  - The oldest and most important of the sa  hit  - s. Its importance is due to the content, originality, and breadth of the material Age: ?perhaps from 2000 to 1000 BCE Length: 1028 hymns, 10,000 lines of verse, 153,826 words, and 432,000 syllables.

 g-veda-sa  hit  - (2) The hymns are in the main addressed to a god or gods usually in a ritual context. The Sa  hit  itself assumed the form of a “collection” around 600 BCE. The collection consists of ten “books” (ma  ala-s or ‘cycles’)

 g-veda-sa  hit  - (3) The second to seventh books are composed by members of a single family Books 1, 8, and 10 are composed by a combination of families. The recension of this sa  hit , as well as other sa  hit  -s and br  hma  a-s, belong to a specific school (  kha ‘branch’)

The S  ma-veda- sa  hit  This is mainly derived from the  g-veda The Kauthuma S  ma-veda is divided into two parts: –The  rcika (‘collection of metrical verses or strophes’) –Uttar  rcika (‘the later or latter strophe collection’)

The S  ma-veda-sa  hit  (2) There are1810 verses comprising the S  ma-veda Only 75 are original Three recensions exists: –Kauthuma –R  yan  ya –Jaimin  ya

Yajur-veda-sa  hit  “The sacred knowledge pertaining to the yajus- (non-metrical verses; sacrificial formula) The Yajur-veda is divided into two main parts: –  ukla (White) Yajur-veda: contains only yajus- verses –K  a (Black) Yajur-veda: also contains explanatory material: i.e. br  hma  a-s.

Different recensions: –White (  ukla-): M  dhya  dina K  va Yajur-veda-sa  hit  (2)

Recensions of the Black (K  a) Yajurveda –Ka  ha- (K  haka-) sa  hit  –Kapi  hala-ka  ha-sa  hit  –Maitrayan  ya-sa  hit  –Taittir  ya-sa  hit  Yajur-veda-sa  hit  (3)

Atharva-veda-sa  hit  This composition originally played no role in the major sacrifices Its purpose was to appease, bless, and to curse. It was used more by domestic priests against disease, evil beings, and dangerous animals

It was also used by the domestic priest for the promotion of marital happiness, protection, fame, and other positive results Only in a later portion of the Atharva- veda (Book 20) did it claim to be the fourth veda Atharva-veda-sa  hit  (2)

Two recensions: –  aunaka –Ka  m  r  (discovered in 1875) Atharva-veda-sa  hit  (3)

These compositions are concerned with “bráhman-s” bráhman- ‘a power that sustains, animates and increases’. When the pitch changes to the second syllable -- brahmán- -- it refers to the ‘priest’ or the repositories and communicators of sacred knowledge. The Br  hma  as

Explanation of the bráhman as manifested as a mántra- or any sacred knowledge bearing inherent power. Used as a collective (the br  hma  a-s) or a collection of the discussions of the brahmán-s or priest-sacrificiants. Br  hma  a-: Definition

These compositions connect the mántra with the ritual by explaining their direct mutual relation and their symbolic connection. Under symbolic connection we find legends, cosmogonic myths, linguistic and etymological explanations and philosophic explanation. Br  hma  as

Br  hma  as of the  gveda Aitareya Br  hma  a: deals with the Soma sacrifice (agni  oma) Kau  taki Br  hma  a : has a wider range of subject matter—the Setting Up of the Fire, the New and Full Moon Sacrifice, the Agnihotra, and the Soma Sacrifice.

Br  hma  as of the S  maveda Pa  cavi  a Br  hma  a: deals with the significance and types of chants (s  man-s), lauds (stotra), and praises (stoma)  advi  a Br  hma  a (Kauthuma School): a supplement to the Pa  cavi  a dealing with the Soma ritual.

Br  hma  as of the S  maveda (2) Adbhuta Br  hma  a (Chapter 6 of  advi  a): contains portents, omens and their appeasements. Jaimin  ya Br  hma  a: deals with a number rituals and the place of s  man-s, lauds, and chants in them. Much important mythological and legendary material is contained herein.

Br  hma  as of the S  maveda (3) S  mavidh  na Br  hma  a: composed for the purpose of achieving those ends (heaven, warding off of ‘evil’) ordinarily obtained through the great rituals (such as the Agnihotra). This is achieved by the proper arrangement (vidh  na) of the s  man-s.

Br  hma  as of the S  maveda (4)  r  eya Br  hma  a-: names of s  man-s; this work is actually an index or table of contents (anukrama  ik  -) Mantra Br  hma  a-: contains household ritualistic mántra-s. Sa  hit  -Upani  ad-Br  hma  a-: the upani  ad (‘secret meaning; connection’) of the sa  hit  or verse-chant. A text of melodies and the rewards of the chanter of these verse- chants.

Br  hma  as of the S  maveda (5) Va  a Br  hma  a: gives the lineage of the  i-s—real or legendary Devat  dhy  ya Br  hma  a: divinities to which the s  man’s are addressed. Also, the etymology of the meters and their colors.

Br  hma  as of the Yajur Veda Taittir  ya Br  hma  a: a major work containing mantras and explanations of a number of major rituals.  atapatha Br  hma  a: another major work. This is connected to the White Yajur Veda and comes in the M  dhyandina and K  va recensions.

Gopatha Br  hma  a: a late derivative work (from the  atapatha, Aitareya, and Kau  taki Br  hma  as Br  hma  as of the Atharva Veda

A section of the Veda intended to offer secret instructions and explanations (presumably instruction given in the forest and not the home) given in the forest. These rituals emphasized the mystical or speculative aspect of certain rites.  ra  yakas

Aitareya  ra  yaka comprises a discussion of the Mah  vrata rite Kau  taki  ra  yaka: similar to the the Aitareya  ra  yaka in content  gveda  ra  yakas

Jaimin  ya (Talavak  ra) Upani  ads Br  hma  a (attached to the Jaimin  ya Br  hma  a). Contains a discussion of O  and a number of teleological myths. S  maveda  ra  yakas

The Taittir  ya  ra  yaka: a continuaion of the Taittir  ya Br  hma  a, so it is more of a Br  hma  a rather than a true  ra  yaka. Yajurveda  ra  yaka (2)

The fourth part of the Veda Although there may be over 200 Upani  ads, only about nine are Vedic –By date or –By nature. Upani  ads

The other Upani  ads are sectarian in nature for the most part. Upani  ads (2)

B  had-  ra  yaka-upani  ad (concluding portion of the  atapatha Br  hma  a:  B = B  U): a White Yajur-vedic work. Ch  ndogya Upani  ad (= Mantra Br  hma  a: Chapter 3-10): S  maveda Upani  ads (3)

Aitareya Upani  ad (= Aitareya  ra  yaka 2.4-6) Taittir  ya Upani  ad (Taittir  ya  ra  yaka Ch. 7-9) Kena Upani  ad (= Jaimin  ya Upani  ad Br  hma  a) Upani  ads (4)

Kau  taki Upani  ad (Kau  taki Ara  yaka 3-6) Ka  ha Upani  ad (Ka  ha School)  a Upani  ad : belongs to the White Yajur Veda and V  jasaneyi Sa  hit  (Chapter 40 of the V  jasaneyi Sa  hit  Upani  ads (5)

Mah  nar  ya  ya Upani  ad (= Taittir  ya Ara  yaka Chapter 10, the last chapter) Late Upani  ads –Maitri (Maitr  ya  ya Upani  ad) –Svet  vatara-Upani  ad (Yajurveda) –Mu  aka Upani  ad –Pra  na Upani  ad –M  ukya Upani  ad (Atharvaveda) Upani  ads (6)