University of York External Relations Portfolio Dr Chris Henshall Pro Vice Chancellor External Relations
Portfolio Relations with business Relations with the public sector Relations with the wider community Partnerships
Presentation Achievements in last 18 months –Strategy and governance –Delivery structures –Relations with business –Relations with the public sector –Relations with the wider community –Partnerships KPIs Challenges and future activities
Strategy and governance Business and Community Strategy –Section in Corporate Plan –Detailed Strategy nearing completion, setting out objectives, targets and KPIs Governance –Roles of Council, P&R and Businesses Committee defined –PVC ER responsible for ensuring delivery –Business and Community work now included in reviews of Departmental plans and performance
Delivery structures Success in HEIF awards to support delivery –HEIF2: £2.4m + £0.9m via White Rose –HEIF3: £2.4m + £1.0m via White Rose Enterprise and Innovation Office and Research Support Office established –7 Business Development Managers (etc) –Intellectual Property, CPD and Enterprise Managers –HEFCE recognition for best practice R4 coordinates research and enterprise functions Partnership with IP2IPO
Business Wide range of project support in –Biosciences, Physical Sciences, Computing and Electronics, Arts Heritage and Creative Intensive work around –Futures Medicine, Biorefining, Green Chemistry, Software Engineering –Borthwick Archive, neuro-imaging, nano, and creative technologies centres –CPD; KT Networks; European Framework Development of strategic relationships –Smith and Nephew, Rolls Royce, QinetiQ, IBM, BBC, Unilever, Tate and Lyle, DRAX, Castle Howard, Johnson and Johnson International developments –White Rose visits to New Jersey and Singapore; York visit to USA West Coast
Science City York University and City widely recognised for Science City York achievements Chancellor named further five science cities in 2005 Budget First National Science Cities Workshop held in York, September 2005 National Science Cities Development Group set up and chaired by York Science City York Stakeholder Board established –Expanded remit and Chief Executive £2.6m Northern Way capital for SCY
Regional and national links Links maintained and strengthened with –Chamber, Business Links, Sub Regional Partnership Links strengthened to Yorkshire Forward –support for Incubators, Green Chemistry, Nanocentre, Hes East etc –Strong relationship with new Chief Executive and Director of Science –VC is Vice-Chair of Yorkshire Science –VC and PVC ER lead Yorkshire ESS project Increased involvement in national policy –Science Cities –PVC ER represented 94 Group at Research Councils enquiry on knowledge transfer
Public sector York has best policy-relevant social sciences departments and centres in UK World leader in health economics, evaluation and policy Director to be appointed for Alcuin Collaboration to further strengthen and promote work in social sciences CPD –Support for Departments to develop higher value offerings and market abroad –Links established with National School for Government Links with e-Learning Council
Community Wide range of work with and for wider community in and beyond the City Includes –Economic contribution –Sport and recreation facilities –Cultural, artistic and educational contributions –Exchange of skills through placements and volunteering (YSS, Departmental Outreach, York Award, STEP programme etc) Business and Community Strategy sets these out Need to develop strategic approach, recognising that much work is bottom-up
Partnerships White Rose University Consortium –Leeds, Sheffield and York –T&L, Research, and Enterprise and Innovation –Works closely with Yorkshire Forward –Flagship projects: HEIF 2 and 3; Bioscience Yorkshire Enterprise Fellowships; CETL for Enterprise; National Science Learning Centre N8 –Northern research-intensive universities –Early stages – structures being created –£6m bid submitted to Northern Way –Much higher ambitions WUN –Very successful annual meeting in May –York leading projects in Spintronics, Green Chemistry, and Risk –Increasing focus on added value
KPIs Economic contribution from UoY and Science Park employment –3,488 jobs –£164m income gain Income from business and public sector FY2003 £1,596k £12,391k FY2004 £1,581k £13,385k FY2005 (est) £1,521k £15,992k (note: plus c£3.3m pa for CPD in total) Licensing and spin-out –16 spin-outs in last 10 years (plus 5 start-ups) –New licenses: 3 in 2004 and 1 in 2005
Challenges Increasing business interaction and income –Setting up and nurturing more strategic relationships with business –Raising awareness in, and engaging, more departments and academic staff –Increasing spin-outs and licensing Engaging University resources more directly with Science City York Public sector –Sustaining position with UK –Growing income from Europe Consolidating and developing community interactions
Future Actions Business –Work closely with IP2IPO –Continue focus on strategic relationships –Mount high profile events Renewable Resources Conference in September University “Venturefest” –Rewards and recognition for staff –Re-configure interfaces with Science City York Public Sector –Work with Alcuin Director –Further growth of CPD Community –Set up (internal) Community Forum