Welcome! Why “branded templates?” Where is the Strategy Tool Kit? How do I use the branded templates? Michelle Sebastian How can I customize other designs? Anjal Keiser
Why Branded Templates? Success with Branding = Repetition Therefore: Deliver on positioning in every interaction, every visual image, every communication Communications can help by providing tools for you to use Three C’s Clarity – Be clear about what we are Consistency – Always be about what we are Constancy – Be what we are over time
Where is the Strategy Tool Kit? Go to Sign in to iMpact Click on News Room Click on Strategy Tool Kit Click on Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Templates R:\Public\Share\MS Office Templates with Logo
How do I use the branded templates? Locating the existing templates Making the templates your own Applying the template to an existing presentation Application tips
How can I customize other designs? Customize the fonts Customize the color scheme Using the brand mark Colors of objects Printing your handouts Saving the custom template
Contact Information Leslie Southwick Wilhelm Brand and Communications Project Manager Office of Communications, Room 0253 Tel Fax Michelle Sebastian Promotions Coordinator Office of Communications, Room 0253 Tel Fax Software Support, Computing Services Tel