Google Images and Youtube Mike Martinez Steve Chenpanas
Comparisons Google Searches for the keywords you put into the search box. For example, when searching “large picture of starbucks” its searches for pictures on webpages that have the words “Large”, “Picture”, and “Starbucks”. Yahoo Images Doesn’t look for each keyword individually. For example, when searching “large picture of starbucks”, you get large pictures of Starbucks. Veoh Similar to Youtube, allows users to post videos. Search engine lousy, most results are irrelevant to subject
Compression of Images RAW TIFF JPEG GIF RAW vs. JPEG text/RAW/ GIF: mg/pics/glitters/h/homer_simp son-599.gif
Compression of Images Lossless Compression Lossy Compression n/ n/
EXIF Data and Picasa Exchangeable Image File Picasa
IPTC Standard Defines the metadata attributes that can be applied to images and media files. Allows video makers to embed text into the video (i.e. Reporters’ names and locations) Originally intended for news articles, it was soon developed into something useable in pictures and videos.
Google SketchUp 3D modeling program created Company bought out by Google in 2006 Has Google Earth plug- in and patented push/pull technology.
SketchUp Free vs Pro SketchUp Free Its Free! ^_^ Only allows Users to export in.JPG,.PNG,.TIF,.BMP, and into Google Earth (.KMZ). User get the basic sketching tools (line, arc, push/pull, etc) SketchUp Pro $495 + tax Allows users to export in.DWG,.DXF,.3DS,.OBJ,.XSI,.VRML,.FBX along with the formats allowed in SketchUp Free. Also allows users to export animations in.AVI and.MOV Users get the basic tools along with Sandbox and Film & Stage tools. Also includes Layout, which is an advanced tool to help you create more advanced models.
3D Warehouse and 3D Warehouse is a website that allows Sketchup users to share their creations with other users. allows users to sell their models for profit.
Self Identity Ever since the phrase “Googling Yourself” has been coined, people have increasing been accepting that results procured from Googling a name are a fair estimate of what kind of personality the subject has. Management sometimes checks on Google to see any information that they can gather on future employees.
Privacy Issues Because you can potentially find things out about a person by using Google, many people have started to become worried and constantly search themselves to make sure nothing bad has shown up. This leads to privacy issues, because people believe that certain aspects of their lives should be kept from the public.
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