Slide 114, monkey lip, H&E, 4x obj. oral mucosa submucosa salivary gland orbicularis oris muscle
Slide 114, monkey lip, H&E, 10x obj. oral mucosa submucosa salivary gland
Slide 114, monkey lip, H&E, 4x obj. orbicularis oris muscle keratinized epithelium hair follicle
Slide 114, monkey lip, H&E, 10x obj. keratinized epithelium hair follicle w/ sebaceous gland
Slide 114, human lip, H&E, 4x obj. vermillion zone epithelium orbicularis oris muscle
Slide 114, human lip, H&E, 10x obj. vermillion zone epithelium capillaries
Slide 115, fetal palate, H&E, 4x obj. bone salivary glands respiratory epithelium masticatory epithelium hard palate soft palate
Slide 115, fetal palate, H&E, 40x obj. respiratory epithelium
Slide 115, fetal palate, H&E, 40x obj. masticatory epithelium (normally keratinized)
Slide 115, H&E, 10x obj. salivary glands masticatory epithelium skeletal muscle
Slide 116, tongue, H&E, 4x obj. filiform papilla fungiform papilla laminapropria skeletal muscle
Slide 116, H&E, 10x obj. laminapropria skeletal muscle
Slide 116, H&E, 10x obj. Sublingual salivary glands ventral surface of tongue
Slide 116, tongue, H&E, 4x obj. laminapropria skeletal muscle circumvallate papilla serous glands (of von Ebner) taste buds
Slide 116, H&E, 20x obj. serous glands (of von Ebner) taste bud
Slide 122, monkey tooth, H&E, 4x obj. lamina propria gingiva (includes epithelium & lamina propria) dentin of tooth enamel of tooth (removed by decalcification) nonkeratinizedepithelium keratinizedepithelium cemento-enamel junction cementum
Slide 122, trichrome, 4x obj. lamina propria dentin of tooth nonkeratinizedepithelium keratinizedepithelium
Slide 122, H&E, 10x obj. lamina propria nonkeratinizedepithelium keratinizedepithelium cemento-enameljunction dentin cementum enamel
Slide 122, H&E, 10x obj. lamina propria nonkeratinizedepithelium dentin cementum (acellular)
Slide 122, H&E, 10x obj. dentin acellular cementum cellular cementum cementocyte (in lacuna) alveolar bone periodontal ligament toward crown toward root
Slide 122, H&E, 40x obj. cellular cementum alveolar bone periodontal ligament Sharpey’s fibers osteocyte (in lacuna) cementocyte
Slide 122, trichrome, 40x obj. acellularcementum alveolar bone periodontal ligament Sharpey’s fibers osteocyte (in lacuna) cementocyte (start of cellular cementum) dentin
Slide 180, parotid gland, H&E, 10x obj. lobule w/ serous acini Interlobular duct (in connective tissue septum) Intralobularducts adipose cells
Slide 180, parotid gland, H&E, 40x obj. Interlobular duct (pseudostratified) connective tissue
Slide 180, parotid gland, H&E, 40x obj. striated intralobular duct intercalated intralobular duct serous acinus
Slide 183, submandibular gland, H&E, 4x obj. lobule w/ seromucous acini interlobular duct (in connective tissue septum) intralobularducts
Slide 183, submandibular gland, H&E, 40x obj. interlobular duct (stratified)
Slide 183, submandibular gland, H&E, 40x obj. striatedintralobularduct mucous acini (w/ serous demilunes) serous demilunes serous acini intercalatedintralobularduct
Slide 183, submandibular gland, mucicarmine, 10x obj. lobule w/ seromucous acini interlobular duct (in connective tissue septum) intralobularduct
Slide 183, submandibular gland, mucicarmine, 40x obj. intralobularduct serous acini mucous acini serous demilune
Slide 185, sublingual gland, H&E, 4x obj. lobule w/ mucous acini interlobularduct
Slide 185, sublingual gland, H&E, 40x obj. mucous acini serous demilune
Slide 185, sublingual gland, mucicarmine, 10x obj. lobule w/ mucous acini