Resource and environmental issues
Example of Environmental issues Deforestation Environmental Impacts of Mining Global Warming “Tragedy of the commons”—overfishing and other
Jungle burned for agriculture in southern Mexico
Logging in Malaysia.
Environmental impacts caused by deforestation Burning forests and decay of wood after logging contribute to the release of greenhouse gases Loss of biodiversity Forests are important parts of hydrologic cycle in nature
Chuquicamata, the largest open pit copper mine in the world, Chile
Iron hydroxide precipitate stains a stream receiving acid drainage from surface coal mining.
Environmental impacts of mining Land/soil erosion Formation of sinkholes, Loss of biodiversity in the area Contamination of groundwaters by chemicals from the mining process and products. Abandoned mines can still pose safety hazards such as deadly gases
Chemicals used for mining Sodium cyanide for extraction of gold Sulphuric acid for extraction of copper from copper oxides If these chemicals are not handled properly, serious environmental impacts may occur to the neighbouring environment
Global Warming
Environmental Effects of Global Warming Melting of permafrost and polar ice Rising sea level Spread of pests and disease Ecological impacts (e.g. disturbed life cycle of flora-fauna)
This image is of the Easton Glacier on Mount Baker in the North Cascades of Washington taken in It shows the terminus position of the glacier in 1985 as well.
“Tragedy of the Commons” Free access and unrestricted demand for a finite resource ultimately dooms the resource through over-exploitation. Release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is one example. As everyone can release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere with little personal consequence, people tends to care very little about limiting its emission. Overfishing in the open sea is another example. If everyone with a fishing boat can fish as much as they like, they will eventually drive the fish stock to commercially extinct.
State of Global Fisheries The FAO State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2004 report estimates that in 2003, of the main fish stocks or groups of resources for which assessment information is available, "approximately one-quarter were overexploited, depleted or recovering from depletion… and needed rebuilding.“ edible fish are endangered in 14 of the world's 16 major fishing areas
This is another example
If anyone can throw charms onto the wishing tree (a shared resource) without caring the consequence, the tree will eventually collapse.
Any solution? Some suggested that overexploitation of a resource can be solved by proper management of the property right to use the resource. Licensing and tradeable quota are some possible financial instruments.
Question If there is another wishing tree, how should it be managed?