SOSC 103D Social Inequality in HK Lecture 9: Other Forms of Inequality
Limitations of current class studies Missing data (unemployed people) What is the conditions of poor people in HK? What is their chances of moving away from poverty? Gender Inequality Housewife is another large sector of unemployed people in HK. What about girls (daughters) class positions? What are girls’ mobility path? Is there any difference between boys’ and girls’ chances in HK? L9: 09.10.06
Limitations of current class studies Racial Inequality What are the ethnic minorities’ class positions? Is there any differences between the local and ethnic minorities in terms of social positions? What about the differences among different minorities groups? What are their chances and mobility path in HK? L9: 09.10.06
L9: 09.10.06
Reasons of stay Temporary (for work): Permanent: Domestic helpers Managerial posts Permanent: Marriage Migration during the British colonial period After the handover L9: 09.10.06
Income distribution of the working population Indians Nepal Pakistan Mainland HK <4,000 11.9 7.3 2.9 34.6 10.4 4,000-9,999 24.7 41.1 51.4 47.6 32.8 1,0000-14,999 15.6 37.1 27.8 8.8 23.0 15,000-19,999 9.8 11 6.4 4.0 11.5 20,000-24,999 8.2 2.2 4.5 7.8 25,000-29,999 4.2 0.8 1.3 1.0 3.4 >30,000 25.6 0.6 5.8 -- 11.1 L9: 09.10.06
Causes of the inequality Social Network in HK Family and Community Support Chances of Education and Training Language problem Cultural differences Discrimination in the Labour market Even if they have relevant training and well-qualified for the job, they are not being chosen by the employers L9: 09.10.06
Women in Hong Kong Economic and employment status Differences in income In 2003, estimated earned income For female: US$ 19,593; For male: US$ 35,037 Ratio: 0.56 L9: 09.10.06
Gender Inequality?! Reasons for the income differences: Job/ employment segregations: Male and female are clustered in different kinds of occupations Male in higher ranking jobs; female in lower ranking jobs Income inequalities: Male and female have the same job but with different rewards. L9: 09.10.06
Suggested Readings: Marger, M (2002) Social Inequality: Patterns and Processes, Boston: McGraw Hill ch.12 L9: 09.10.06