Where We’ve Been
Past Contributions to CIMT Moored PO and met data QC (M0, M1, and M2); and visualization via ICON web site Conceived and implemented, with JPL, integrated model/data wind nowcast/forecast product Worked on CIMT web site organization Advised on processing of CIMT ship CTD data Organized meeting and documents on data archiving and dissemination Participated in IOOS interoperability demo Participated in setting up CeNCOOS, including serving on governance and science committees Supported CIMT and related modeling activities
Where We Are
Proposed Goals (12/19/04) Short-term (within 3-6 mon) - have a web site where Monterey Bay area COAMPS wind nowcasts and real- time wind observations, and real-time remotely-sensed and in-situ SSTs, are displayed graphically, in-situ observed values can be seen as text; and there are links to data source web sites. Ultimately (indefinite) - have a web site where ocean and atmosphere model nowcasts and forecasts, and real-time data, for all variables for the CeNCOOS region are displayed, observed values can be seen as text; and there are links to data source web sites. Some may also want this site to include the capability to download historical data and model values.
Short-term goal has been accomplished for the wind
Where We’re Going
Goals Maintain wind product Make wind product more robust Expand geographic domain for wind product Add other variables, such as SST and SL Transition product to 24/7 operations Coordinate with CeNCOOS on the above
Resources No CIMT funding since July days CIMT labor funds this month NPS - $37,841 for coming year; $25K to maintain the current system, $12.8K for some upgrades –$2K to upgrade computer and met station equipment –2 wks of Bahr's time for data QC (MBARI covers some, but not all of this) –15 d of my time to oversee the NPS end of operations, design improvements (particularly to improve robustness of system), outreach efforts, and consultation on new products. –1 wk of support for Anderson to aid in software and operations upgrades. –3 weeks of Lind's time to troubleshoot lapses and problems in observed data on a timely basis (CIMT is the only real-time user of his data) JPL has some funding for the upcoming year related to these same tasks.
Expanded Region Future CeNCOOS page (JPL):
Transition wind product to 24/7 operations Could NOAA (MBNMS or ERL) or Navy (FNMOC) entity take it over? What about a private industry partner such as Weather Flow? What is IOOS’s current guidance regarding private companies offering products such as these? In the past Margaret Davidson has said there have to be private industry partners in the regional associations. Must the products be offered for free? Where would funding come from? CIMT, CeNCOOS? Charge for the product?
This is their free central CA wind product. They charge for forecasts.
Weather Flow CIMT