Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 1 Privacy – Personalization, RFIDs, Surveilance, and Encryption Week 6 - February 19, 21
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 2 Privacy risks from personalization
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 3 Unsolicited marketing Desire to avoid unwanted marketing causes some people to avoid giving out personal information
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 4 My computer can “figure things out about me” The little people inside my computer might know it’s me… … and they might tell their friends
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 5 Inaccurate inferences “My TiVo thinks I’m gay!”
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 6 Surprisingly accurate inferences Everyone wants to be understood. No one wants to be known.
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 7 You thought that on the Internet nobody knew you were a dog… …but then you started getting personalized ads for your favorite brand of dog food
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 8 Price discrimination Concerns about being charged higher prices Concerns about being treated differently
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 9 Revealing private information to other users of a computer Revealing info to family members or co-workers Gift recipient learns about gifts in advance Co-workers learn about a medical condition Revealing secrets that can unlock many accounts Passwords, answers to secret questions, etc.
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 10 Exposing secrets to criminals Stalkers, identity thieves, etc. People who break into account may be able to access profile info People may be able to probe recommender systems to learn profile information associated with other users
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 11 Subpoenas Records are often subpoenaed in patent disputes, child custody cases, civil litigation, criminal cases
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 12 Privacy invasive technologies Location tracking (cell phones, GPS devices that phone home, etc.) RFID Transit cards Computer software that phones home Devices that phone home Video cameras (hidden cameras, cell phones) Personalized ecommerce sites Automobile data recorders Face recognition
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 13 The Global Positioning System (GPS) Radio-navigation system operated by US DoD Comprised of 24 satellites and 5 ground stations Uses satellites to triangulate and calculate 3D position from 4 satellite signals Receivers listen for radio beacons and triangulate their position Typical accuracy in meters, cm accuracy possible DoD intentionally degraded accuracy until May 2000 One-way system Use other system to report location back Does not work indoors
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 14 Radio-frequency identification (RFID) Tags Antenna bonded to small silicon chip encapsulated in glass or plastic (as small as grain of rice) Unpowered (passive) tags and powered (active) tags Readers Broadcast energy to tags, causing tags to broadcast data Energy from readers can also power onboard sensors or cause tag to write new data to memory Read ranges currently a few centimeters up to a few meters Source: Sixwise
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 15 Current and near term uses of RFID Automobile immobilizers Animal tracking Building proximity cards Payment systems Automatic toll collection Inventory management (mostly at pallet level) Prevent drug counterfeiting Passports
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 16 Electronic Product Code Standard managed by EPCglobal Relatively small tags Inexpensive No encryption, limited security Kill feature Password feature Designed to replace UPC bar codes 96-bit+ serial number Object Name Service (ONS) database operated by EPCglobal
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 17 Post-sale uses Read product labels to blind people Sort packaging for recycling Provide laundry instructions to washer, dryer, dry cleaner Allow smart refrigerator to automatically generate shopping lists and warn about expired items and recalls Allow smart closet to suggest outfits Simplify product returns
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 18 Privacy concerns with EPCs? What are the privacy risks? What are possible solutions? What are the limitations of these solutions?
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 19 Building proximity cards Used for access control to buildings Many prox cards have no security features Easily clonable, even remotely Can be read through someone’s pocket or from longer distances while card is being read by legitimate reader Solutions involve adding crypto to cards
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 20 RFID payment systems Gas station keyfobs Coming soon to the major credit cards in your wallet Chase “Blink” card Can be read from about 20 cm Integrated into watches and cell phones Main advantage is to save time Don’t have to swipe machine Don’t need signature Crypto used to prevent cloning, but JHU researchers demonstrated how to break SpeedPass
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 21 Engineering privacy Privacy by policy Privacy by architecture
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 22 Privacy stages identifiability Approach to privacy protection Linkability of data to personal identifiers System Characteristics 0identified privacy by policy (notice and choice) linked unique identifiers across databases contact information stored with profile information 1 pseudonymous linkable with reasonable & automatable effort no unique identifies across databases common attributes across databases contact information stored separately from profile or transaction information 2 privacy by architecture not linkable with reasonable effort no unique identifiers across databases no common attributes across databases random identifiers contact information stored separately from profile or transaction information collection of long term person characteristics on a low level of granularity technically enforced deletion of profile details at regular intervals 3anonymousunlinkable no collection of contact information no collection of long term person characteristics k-anonymity with large value of k
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 23 Black Boxes Where are these found? Question becomes who has control and access to the information? What insurance uses can you foresee?
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 24 Research and Communication Skills Organizing a research paper Decide up front what the point of your paper is and stay focused as you write Once you have decided on the main point, pick a title Start with an outline Use multiple levels of headings (usually 2 or 3) Don’t ramble!
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 25 Research and Communication Skills Typical paper organization Abstract Short summary of paper Introduction Motivation (why this work is interesting/important, not your personal motivation) Background and related work Sometimes part of introduction, sometimes two sections Methods What you did In a systems paper you may have system design and evaluation sections instead Results What you found out Discussion Also called Conclusion or Conclusions May include conclusions, future work, discussion of implications,etc. References Appendix Stuff not essential to understanding the paper, but useful, especially to those trying to reproduce your results - data tables, proofs, survey forms, etc. These sections may be different in your papers
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 26 Research and Communication Skills Road map Papers longer than a few pages should have a “road map” so readers know where you are going Road map usually comes at the end of the introduction Tell them what you are going to say in the roadmap, say it, (then tell them what you said in the conclusions) Examples In the next section I introduce X and discuss related work. In Section 3 I describe my research methodology. In Section 4 I present results. In Section 5 I present conclusions and possible directions for future work. Waldman et al, 2001: “This article presents an architecture for robust Web publishing systems. We describe nine design goals for such systems, review several existing systems, and take an in- depth look at Publius, a system that meets these design goals.”
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 27 Research and Communication Skills Use topic sentences (Almost) every paragraph should have a topic sentence Usually the first sentence Sometimes the last sentence Topic sentence gives the main point of the paragraph First paragraph of each section and subsection should give the main point of that section Examples from Waldman et al, 2001 In this section we attempt to abstract the particular implementation details and describe the underlying components and architecture of a censorship-resistant system. Anonymous publications have been used to help bring about change throughout history.
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 28 Research and Communication Skills Avoid unsubstantiated claims Provide evidence for every claim you make Related work Results of your own experiments Conclusions should not come as a surprise Analysis of related work, experimental results, etc. should support your conclusions Conclusions should summarize, highlight, show relationships, raise questions for future work Don’t introduce new ideas in discussion or conclusion section (other than ideas for related work) Don’t reach conclusions not supported by the rest of your paper
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 29 Wiretaps, encryption, and government surveillance
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 30 Surveillance systems you should know about Clipper Echelon CAPS II TIA Carnivore CALEA MATRIX
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 31 Government surveillance Governments increasingly looking for personal records to mine in the name of fighting terrorism People may be subject to investigation even if they have done nothing wrong
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 32 Risks may be magnified in future Wireless location tracking Semantic web applications Ubiquitous computing
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 33 Encryption Encryption has multiple aspects that are important Stakeholders More than just the endpoints, often Mechanisms Symmetric/Asymmetric Key management systems Usability Impacts/implications
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 34 How Encryption Works (simplified) There are 2 types of encryption Symmetric Asymmetric
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 35 Cryptography Basics Encryption algorithm used to make content unreadable by all but the intended receivers E(plaintext,key) = ciphertext D(ciphertext,key) = plaintext Symmetric (shared) key cryptography A single key is used is used for E and D D( E(p,k1), k1 ) = p Management of keys determines who has access to content E.g., password encrypted
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 36 Public Key Cryptography Public Key cryptography Each key pair consists of a public and private component: k + (public key), k - (private key) D( E(p, k + ), k - ) = p D( E(p, k - ), k + ) = p Public keys are distributed (typically) through public key certificates Anyone can communicate secretly with you if they have your certificate E.g., SSL-base web commerce
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 37 Public Key Cryptography Public Domain Images
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 38 Public Key Encryption Public/Private key combinations can also be used for signing documents Proof of originator Non-repudiation Signing involves using the private key to create the modified message, which anyone read (is NOT secret), but the public key will verify the originator
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 39 Signing Public Domain Images
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 40 Problems with Encryption Usability Software required Complicated Key management Certificate authorities PKI (public key infrastructure) What happens when you lose a key????? False sense of security Policy and regulatory issues “What have you got to hide?”
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 41 Homework 3 discussion sp07/homework/hw3.html sp07/homework/hw3.html Pick one new-technology-related privacy concern that you believe to be particularly significant. Explain the privacy issue and why you think it is a significant concern. What might be done to mitigate the concern? Pick a particular industry or type of web site and use Privacy Finder to find two P3P-enabled web sites of that type. At each site read both the human-readable privacy policy and the Privacy Finder privacy report. Privacy Finder Describe what aspects of each privacy policy you liked and what aspects you did not like (address both how well the sites protect privacy and how the privacy policies are presented). Compare the experience reading the privacy policies with the experience reading the Privacy Finder privacy report.
Ethics and Policy issues in Computing Carnegie Mellon University Spring 2008 Tongia 42 Class debate #3 The State of Pennsylvania should adopt legal restrictions on the use of web cams