Problem statement Design an automated miniature solder press that will… Be able to solder pre-glued surface mount LED emitters to a metallic circuit board. Be able to test the LED after completion Must be faster and more efficient than hand assembly. System will not need human aid, after initial setup is completed.
Solutions Build a X table with a set jig for metallic circuit boards. Make a single press/ dual soldering iron system with wire fed solder. Test the LEDs inline with solder station. Allow user to initially select predetermined board size and stores data throughout the run.
System Overview Press environment
Detailed System Overview
Electrical Concepts Twin motor AC to DC power supply controllers LCD Solder Heat units Test unit EStop Triple solenoid block Selector switch Stop/Go Switch
Software Design Concepts
Schedule Current status
Proposed Budget
LEDDynamics At this time we will be willing to entertain any brief Questions.
Acknowledgements Andre St. Denis SamCo John Kidder Roger Howes Oliver Piluski