Choosing External Reviewers Does it Matter? One man’s opinion
What is the process?
YOU choose some names
What is the process? YOU choose some names CHAIR or COMMITTEE chooses some names
What is the process? YOU choose some names CHAIR or COMMITTEE chooses some names Six individuals are solicited
Who should you choose?
Who should you choose? Someone Someone who is not a relative
Who should you choose? Someone Someone who is not a relative Someone who knows your work
Who should you choose? Someone Someone who is not a relative Someone who knows your work Someone who thinks highly of your work
Who should you choose? Someone Someone who is not a relative Someone who knows your work Someone who thinks highly of your work Someone who is important
Who should you choose? Someone Someone who is not a relative Someone who knows your work Someone who thinks highly of your work Someone who is important Someone who works at a place where your Department would aspire to be
Personal Example
I went up for Full Professor in I am trained as an exercise physiologist, and my research focuses on physical activity during pregnancy, and pediatric exercise issues. I also have a 25% appointment in the medical schools Looking for a balanced scorecard
Reviewers Professor and Chair, Department of Kinesiology at the University of Florida Professor and Chair, Department of Kinesiology at Texas A+M University
Both in top 5 exercise physiologists in US Both were still active I knew them both professionally, but only limited collaboration, very early in my career Neither did exactly what I did, but both knew how I had progressed in my profession, and the value of my research foci
More Reviewers Professor of Kinesiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Professor of Kinesiology, University of Massachusetts
Both individuals do work in the pediatric area, one also works in pregnancy and physical activity Very little direct collaboration other than joint seminars and review papers. Very well-suited to discuss the quality of my work.
Reviewer Professor and Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, St. Louis University School of Medicine
This is one of the leaders in exercise during pregnancy, particularly from a medical perspective. One of the major players. Limited direct collaboration, other than being on a seminar together
Reviewer Professor and Chair, Department of Kinesiology, University of Exeter (UK)
This reviewer does work in pediatrics, and knows my work. Ranked as one of the top 2-3 pediatric exercise researchers internationally Able to speak to my international reputation
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